Stage 2 in 2021 | Assessment Type 2: Skills and Applications Tasks

Nutrition Stage 2
Assessment Type 2: Skills and Applications Tasks

School assessment Weighting: 40%

The Nutrition skills and applications tasks assessment type is assessed by the school and moderated at Stage 2. Teachers select moderation samples and submit materials online.

Students complete three skills and applications tasks, one of which must be a case study.

Case study

Students conduct a case study in which they analyse and/or evaluate nutrition data from a patient/client case study. This could be set by the teacher or individually planned. The case study should be a maximum of 1500 words if written, or a maximum of 9 minutes for an oral presentation, or the equivalent in multimodal form.

Other skills and applications tasks

A student's evidence for  skills and applications tasks should each be a maximum of 1000 words if written, or a maximum of 6 minutes for an oral presentation or the equivalent in multimodal form.

Student work should be their own. See Supervision and verification of student work.

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