
Coordinating the SACE | Admin | Special Provisions (1)

Previously Information sheet 58 Special provisions in
curriculum and assessment

The SACE Board recognises that if all students are treated in the same way, some individual students, under circumstances outlined in the Special Provisions in Curriculum and Assessment Policy [WORD 107KB] will not be able to participate in SACE curriculum and assessment on the same basis as other students.

The SACE Board of South Australia is committed to providing all students with opportunities for success in completing the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE).

Students who are eligible for special provisions are entitled to reasonable adjustments in curriculum and assessment. The policy seeks to ensure continuity and consistency of adjustments between school and external assessments.

The policy should be applied flexibly. Reasonable adjustments are many and varied and are determined on a case-by-case basis, according to the needs of the student and the nature of the assessment.

In determining reasonable adjustments in curriculum and assessment, special provisions cannot be used to compensate for learning that has not occurred. The application of special provisions cannot exempt a student from the learning requirements or the knowledge and skill requirements of a subject outline, or from any of the SACE certification requirements.