
Electronic exams Assessment Type 3 information (green box)

This subject has an electronic examination in Stage 2. See Assessment Type 3: Examination. From 2020, we shortened the exam from 190 minutes to 130 minutes.

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Studying the SACE | Subjects | Legal Studies (subject description)

Legal Studies

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 2 exam

Students explore Australia's legal heritage and the dynamic nature of the Australian legal system within a global context. They learn about the structures of the Australian legal system and how it responds and contributes to social change while acknowledging tradition.

Students gain insight into law-making, the processes of dispute resolution, and the administration of justice. They investigate legal perspectives on contemporary issues in society, and reflect on, and make informed judgments about, the strengths and weaknesses of the Australian legal system.

Scales of justice in the background and a stack of books in the foreground. The top book is open.

Studying the SACE | Subjects | Legal Studies (link to teaching area)

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Head to the teachers' area for subject outlines, assessment details, examples of student work, past exams, and more.
