
Studying the SACE | Your SACE journey | Student Stories | Kailem Dahmes

A rollercoaster ride for school captain Kailem

Tuesday 15 December 2020

Regional student Kailem Dahmes has successfully rode the COVID-19 rollercoaster during the final year of his SACE.

Cicilia Begbia

Studying the SACE | Your SACE journey | Student Stories | Kailem Dahmes | Article

The Swan Reach Area School Captain had to adapt to the challenges of online remote learning, but the 18-year-old believes his experiences have helped him grow as a person.

Kailem studied Stage 2 subjects in English, Integrated Learning A, Mathematical Methods, and the Research Project, as well completing a Certificate III in Hospitality.

“I didn’t think much of COVID-19 when I first heard about it, but then when it hit the reality kicked in,” Kailem said.

“Online learning came into play and we hadn’t done too much online learning, it was a struggle at first. 

“We used Zoom and Microsoft Teams to communicate with teachers and find out what our due dates were for assessment tasks.

“I did my Research Project on how bacteria spreads through schools, and then COVID-19 happened. I did a lot of research online, and planning out experiments at home, which I conducted when I got back into school.

“When I was learning from home I just tried to focus on my learning. I knew what lessons I had the work I had to do so I kept with that timetable at home.

“Learning during COVID-19 has taught me the importance of self-discipline and time management, focusing on the work and not getting distracted by what’s going on in the outside world. 

“From a mental health perspective, it was important not to panic and spiral down. I worked at the local pub takeaway and I have also joined the CFS, so that has helped me.

“This year has been a bit of a rollercoaster, but I’ve come out of it on the other side. I’m proud of how I’ve been able to motivate myself, and I’ve never given up.”

Kailem will stay in Swan Reach in 2021 and continue working his two jobs, but plans to go to university in the future.