Stage 1 | Subject Outline | Version control

Integrated Learning Stage 1
Subject outline

Version 4.0 - For teaching in 2024.
Accredited in August 2017 for teaching at Stage 1 from 2018.

Stage 1 | Graphic Banner

Stage 1 | Subject outline | Subject description

Subject description

Integrated Learning is a subject framework that enables students to make links between aspects of their lives and their learning.

Schools design Integrated Learning programs for a specific purpose, product, or outcome according to the interests and needs of students in their local context.

In doing this, schools determine an Integrated Learning program focus. The program focus is designed around a theme, community, or context that has meaning to the students; for example, innovation and enterprise initiatives, STEM activities, Aboriginal knowledge and cultures, global citizenship outlooks, art and cultural influences, health and wellbeing initiatives, leadership development, vocational pathways, and literacy and/or numeracy development and enhancement.

Through the lens of the program focus students develop their learning about a real-world situation, task, event, or other learning opportunity, while also growing their knowledge about themselves as learners, and their capabilities.

In Integrated Learning, students develop, extend, and apply critical thinking skills through inquiry about aspects of the program focus that are of interest to them.

Students develop an awareness of the context within which they are learning, and are encouraged to contribute to collaborative thinking and ways of working. Students share ideas and informed opinions and extend their social communication skills though contribution to groups, family, and/or community.

Students extend their self-awareness, personal identity, and values through collaborative processes that build from peer- and self-assessment.

Underpinning the design of Integrated Learning is an emphasis on students making links between their learning and their capabilities. They make meaning from experiences in order to recognise themselves as confident and creative individuals, and critical and evaluative thinkers with the necessary life skills to contribute to society as active and informed citizens.

In this way, the capabilities are central to Integrated Learning and are reflected in the assessment requirements and performance standards.

Stage 1 | Subject outline | Capabilities (unique)


Underpinning the design of Integrated Learning is an emphasis on students making links between their learning and their capabilities. In this way, the capabilities are central to Integrated Learning and are reflected in the assessment requirements and performance standards.

Students develop, extend, and apply capabilities relevant to the program focus through their learning and assessment. 

The Integrated Learning program does not need to relate to one specific capability:

  • students may individually select a capability to focus their learning on; for example, students in the same class may individually select different capabilities to develop, extend, and apply, or
  • teachers may design the entire Integrated Learning program to focus on the development of one or more specific capabilities; for example, students in the same class undertake all assessments with a focus on the same capabilities, or
  • teachers may design each assessment within the Integrated Learning program with a different capability as its focus.

The capabilities connect student learning within and across subjects in a range of contexts. 

The SACE identifies seven capabilities.

Stage 1 | Subject outline | Capabilities | Literacy


In this subject students extend and apply their literacy capability by, for example:

  • communicating with a range of people in different contexts
  • asking questions, expressing opinions, and taking different perspectives into account
  • reading, viewing, writing, listening, and speaking using a range of technologies
  • engaging with new and different modes of communication
  • identifying, analysing, and evaluating appropriate sources
  • making connections with relevant community members
  • enhancing reflective and evaluative language features.

Stage 1 | Subject outline | Capabilities | Numeracy


In this subject students extend and apply their numeracy capability by, for example:

  • interpreting information presented in numerical form in diagrams, maps, graphs, and tables
  • planning, recording, and analysing measurements
  • justifying the validity of findings using everyday, accessible language
  • applying mathematical concepts, where appropriate
  • recording observations
  • researching, creating, and analysing data.

Stage 1 | Subject outline | Capabilities | ICT capability

Information and communication technology (ICT) capability

In this subject students extend and apply their ICT capability by, for example:

  • applying understanding of how contemporary information affects communication
  • considering the implications of potential technologies
  • using a range of technologies to present information and ideas
  • researching and investigating primary and secondary sources through the use of various ICT platforms, including social media
  • applying technologies to design and manage projects/assessments
  • creating solutions using technologies.

Stage 1 | Subject outline | Capabilities | Critical and creative thinking

Critical and creative thinking

In this subject students extend and apply their critical and creative thinking capability by, for example:

  • thinking critically, logically, and reflectively
  • analysing and evaluating ideas
  • learning and applying knowledge and skills in new and creative ways
  • exploring and experiencing creative processes and practices
  • applying their understanding of the nature of innovation
  • using initiative to explore areas of interest
  • posing questions, and identifying and clarifying information
  • understanding of self as a learner and developing the ability to apply learning in real contexts.

Stage 1 | Subject outline | Capabilities | Personal and social capability

Personal and social capability 

In this subject students extend and apply their personal and social capability by, for example:

  • developing a sense of personal identity and self-awareness
  • reflecting on their own learning and personal development
  • developing social interactions with others, including community
  • participating in political, economic, and legal aspects of community life
  • developing empathy for and understanding of different points of view
  • valuing and respecting a range of perspectives
  • developing the skills to be able to work together effectively with others
  • learning, living, and working in local, national, and global environments
  • expressing feelings, ideas, and opinions.

Stage 1 | Subject outline | Capabilities | Ethical understanding

Ethical understanding

In this subject students extend and apply their ethical understanding capability by, for example:

  • identifying and discussing ethical concepts and issues
  • considering ethical and safe research processes, including respecting the rights and work of others 
  • acknowledging sources, and observing protocols when approaching people and organisations, including Aboriginal people and communities
  • reflecting on personal ethics and honesty
  • acknowledging different character traits and reasoning
  • applying ethical principles in a range of situations
  • considering workplace safety principles, practices, and procedures
  • developing ethical practices in the workplace and the community
  • contributing to social and environmental sustainability
  • understanding and exercising individual and shared obligations and rights.

Stage 1 | Subject outline | Capabilities | Intercultural understanding

Intercultural understanding

In this subject students extend and apply their intercultural understanding capability by, for example:

  • recognising culture exists in any situation where a group of people are gathered together for a common purpose, including in situational, organisational, linguistic, and social contexts and ways of thinking
  • understanding that culture is dynamic and can change over time and context
  • learning about and engaging with diverse cultures, recognising commonalities and differences, and cultivating mutual respect
  • understanding, valuing, and respecting a range of perspectives
  • understanding how cultures connect and relate to each other developing the skills to move between cultures
  • acknowledging and respecting the social, cultural, linguistic, historic, and religious diversity of a nation, including that of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Australia.

Stage 1 | Subject outline | Program focus

Program focus

In designing a program focus, teachers consider the interests, capacities, and needs of the student cohort, approaches to teaching and learning, and forms of assessment in order to maximise opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning.

The program focus can be about a real-world situation, task, event, or learning opportunity and could be designed around a local theme, community, or context.

The program focus should have relevance for students and give context to their learning. It is the lens through which students make links with their knowledge of themselves as learners, and develop, extend, and apply their capabilities.

The program focus should be designed with consideration of the capabilities. It does not need to relate to one specific capability. The teacher can design the program to allow opportunities for students to individually select a capability that they want to develop, extend, and apply through the various assessments, or the teacher can design the program to focus on the development of one or more specific capabilities.

The same capability does not need to be addressed by all students in the Integrated Learning class. Students are encouraged to identify different capabilities in different assessments and do not need to address the same capability in each assessment.

Listed below are some suggested starting points for designing a program focus, which is decided by the teacher or by the teacher in consultation with students. The list is neither prescriptive nor exhaustive.

  • Advanced manufacturing
  • Aged and community care
  • Agriculture
  • Art and culture
  • Career-related programs
  • Child development and nutrition
  • Civics and citizenship activities
  • Construction
  • Cultural identities
  • Entrepreneurism
  • Environmental management
  • Ethical understanding
  • Financial literacy
  • Global citizenship and youth programs
  • Health, sport, and coaching
  • Hospitality and catering
  • Immersion experiences
  • Indigenous enterprises
  • Innovation and enterprise initiatives 
  • Language and intercultural understanding
  • Literacy development
  • Local history projects 
  • Marine and maritime activities
  • Maths for living
  • Media and production
  • Mentoring and peer support
  • Numeracy development 
  • Outdoor exploration
  • Performance; for example, dance, drama, and music
  • Personal development
  • Scientific endeavours
  • Skills development; for example, study skills
  • Small business enterprise
  • Social action 
  • Social justice and spirituality
  • Student leadership 
  • Technology and mechanical ICT
  • Trade maths
  • Travel activities
  • Volunteering and community service
  • Wellbeing, health, and lifestyle
  • Writing and authorship
  • Young parenting programs

Global | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge, cultures, and perspectives

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge, cultures, and perspectives

In partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, and schools and school sectors, the SACE Board of South Australia supports the development of high-quality learning and assessment design that respects the diverse knowledge, cultures, and perspectives of Indigenous Australians.

The SACE Board encourages teachers to include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge and perspectives in the design, delivery, and assessment of teaching and learning programs by:

  • providing opportunities in SACE subjects for students to learn about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures, and contemporary experiences
  • recognising and respecting the significant contribution of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to Australian society
  • drawing students’ attention to the value of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge and perspectives from the past and the present
  • promoting the use of culturally appropriate protocols when engaging with and learning from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities.  

Stage 1 | Subject outline | Learning requirements

Learning requirements

The learning requirements summarise the knowledge, skills, and understanding that students are expected to develop and demonstrate through their learning in Stage 1 Integrated Learning.

In this subject, students are expected to:

  1. develop and apply knowledge, concepts, and/or skills for a purpose
  2. develop, extend, and apply one or more capabilities
  3. identify and explore information, concepts, and ideas
  4. work collaboratively with others
  5. communicate ideas and informed opinions
  6. develop self-awareness to reflect on progress in learning.

Stage 1 | Subject outline | Content


Stage 1 Integrated Learning is a 10-credit subject or a 20-credit subject.

Integrated Learning can be organised in different ways, according to the interests, capacities, and needs of the students. In this way, Integrated Learning can be undertaken by a group of students among whom there is collaboration, or an individual student who has access to opportunities to collaborate with others, either face to face or in a digital environment.

Integrated Learning is a focused study that has a purpose and a product or outcome. The program focus should be designed to allow students to develop one or more capabilities.

The program focus does not need to relate to one specific capability, and the capabilities are not prescribed to specific subject codes.

The program focus and capabilities are described in the introductory section of this subject outline.

Stage 1 | Subject outline | Evidence of learning

Evidence of learning

Assessment at Stage 1 is school based.

The following assessment types enable students to demonstrate their learning in Stage 1 Integrated Learning:

  • Assessment Type 1: Practical Exploration
  • Assessment Type 2: Connections
  • Assessment Type 3: Personal Venture.

For a 10-credit subject, students should provide evidence of their learning through three or four assessments. Each assessment type should have a weighting of at least 20%. Students undertake:

  • at least one practical exploration
  • at least one connections task
  • at least one personal venture.

For a 20-credit subject, students should provide evidence of their learning through five or six assessments. Each assessment type should have a weighting of at least 20%. Students undertake:

  • at least two practical explorations
  • at least one connections task
  • at least one personal venture.


Stage 1 | Subject outline | assessment-design-criteria

Assessment design criteria

The assessment design criteria are based on the learning requirements and are used by teachers to:

  • clarify for students what they need to learn
  • design opportunities for students to provide evidence of their learning at the highest possible level of achievement.

The assessment design criteria consist of specific features that:

  • students should demonstrate in their learning
  • teachers look for as evidence that students have met the learning requirements.

For this subject the assessment design criteria are:

  • application and development
  • inquiry and reflection
  • collaboration and communication.

The specific features of these criteria are described below.

The set of assessments, as a whole, must give students opportunities to demonstrate each of the specific features by the completion of study of the subject.

Application and Development

The specific features are as follows:

AD1 Development of knowledge, concepts, and/or skills in relation to the program focus.
AD2 Application of a range of knowledge, concepts, and/or skills for a purpose.
AD3 Development and application of a chosen capability or chosen capabilities.

Inquiry and Reflection 

The specific features are as follows:

IR1 Exploration of relevant information, concepts, and ideas using a variety of sources.
IR2 Reflection of the student’s own learning through self-assessment and feedback from others. 

Collaboration and Communication 

The specific features are as follows:

CC1 Collaboration with others.
CC2 Communication of ideas and opinions.

Stage 1 | Subject outline | School assessment

School assessment

The school assessment component for Stage 1 Integrated Learning consists of three assessment types:

  • Assessment Type 1: Practical Exploration
  • Assessment Type 2: Connections
  • Assessment Type 3: Personal Venture.

Stage 1 | Subject outline | School assessment | Assessment Type 1: Practical Exploration

Assessment Type 1: Practical Exploration

For a 10-credit subject, students undertake at least one practical exploration. For a 20-credit subject, students undertake at least two practical explorations.

Each practical exploration should be designed with a specific purpose that enables students to demonstrate practical application and to develop their knowledge, concepts, and skills through inquiry.

Students consider and explore information, concepts, and/or skills connected to their program focus. They communicate their ideas and opinions, and may collaborate with others. The practical application of their learning and the development of their skills can take whatever form is appropriate. Students who choose to work collaboratively identify their individual role and responsibility in the task and provide individual evidence of their contribution.

Students reflect on their learning, and progress in learning, with reference to the program focus and one or more capabilities. To inform their reflection, the practical exploration should provide opportunities for students to receive feedback from others and participate in self-assessment.

At least one practical exploration should include a discussion in which students present evidence of their learning either in progress, or as they finalise a task or set of tasks. The discussion(s) may be between the teacher and individual students or groups of students, or within groups of students. The purpose of the discussion is to elicit evidence that contributes to the student’s practical exploration. The discussion alone is not a practical exploration.

Students provide individual evidence of their learning. They articulate the learning that has taken place in relation to the program focus and their chosen capability or capabilities. The same capability or capabilities do not need to be addressed by all students.

Evidence of the practical exploration, including the discussion, may be presented in a range of forms including but not limited to journals, blogs, reports, photo stories, visual or audio recordings, oral presentations, skills demonstrations, and reviews. The evidence must be generated by the student. Multimodal evidence is encouraged.

For this assessment type, students provide evidence of their learning primarily in relation to the following assessment design criteria:

  • application and development
  • inquiry and reflection
  • collaboration and communication.

Stage 1 | Subject outline | School assessment | Assessment Type 2: Connections

Assessment Type 2: Connections

For a 10-credit subject and a 20-credit subject, students undertake at least one connections task.

Students undertake activities that encourage them to make connections between the program focus and their development of a capability.

They work collaboratively to explore the program focus and their selected capability, and apply their knowledge, concepts, and skills for a specific purpose.

Students undertake a task or activity to be achieved through collaboration. They identify their individual role and responsibility in the task/activity, and communicate their contribution. They reflect on their learning as a result of their collaboration, and consider self-assessment, feedback from others, and their development of a relevant capability.

Collaboration can be undertaken in a variety of ways; for example, with a member of the community, a family member, a teacher or trainer, other students, local councils or organisations, an expert practitioner, fellow employees, and club members either face to face or through blogs and other digital communications.

Students may provide evidence of their learning in a range of forms including but not limited to reports, photo stories, oral presentations, skills demonstrations, and reviews. Multimodal evidence is encouraged.

Evidence for each student’s connections task must be assessed individually and must demonstrate the student’s individual contribution to the task.

For this assessment type, students provide evidence of their learning primarily in relation to the following assessment design criteria:

  • application and development
  • inquiry and reflection
  • collaboration and communication.

Stage 1 | Subject outline | School assessment | Assessment Type 3: Personal Venture

Assessment Type 3: Personal Venture

For a 10-credit subject and a 20-credit subject, students undertake at least one personal venture. 

The personal venture is likely to be an inquiry-based or practical-based project, or a combination of these. 

The personal venture is an opportunity for students to explore an area of the program focus that is of interest to them. They investigate their area of interest by identifying, exploring, and communicating relevant information, concepts, and ideas about them.

Students select one capability to be developed within their personal venture, and explore the link between that capability and their area of personal interest. The capability selected does not need to be the same capability selected for other assessments. Students clearly identify the capability they have selected and explicitly discuss how they have developed this capability in their personal venture.

Students’ folio pieces provide evidence of their learning in a range of forms including, but not limited to, reports, photo stories, oral presentations, skills demonstrations, and reviews. Within their evidence students detail the outcome or conclusion of their project and explain the connections between their area of interest and development of the capability selected. Multimodal evidence is encouraged. 

Each student’s personal venture must be assessed individually, and must be the student’s own work. 

For this assessment type, students provide evidence of their learning primarily in relation to the following assessment design criteria:

  • application and development
  • inquiry and reflection
  • collaboration and communication.

Global | Subject outline | Performance standards | Stage 1 only

Performance standards

The performance standards describe five levels of achievement, A to E.

Each level of achievement describes the knowledge, skills, and understanding that teachers refer to in deciding how well students have demonstrated their learning on the basis of the evidence provided.

During the teaching and learning program the teacher gives students feedback on their learning, with reference to the performance standards.

At the student’s completion of study of a subject, the teacher makes a decision about the quality of the student’s learning by:

  • referring to the performance standards
  • taking into account the weighting of each assessment type
  • assigning a subject grade between A and E.

Stage 1 | Subject outline | Performance standards

Performance standards

Stage 1 performance standards for Integrated Learning can be viewed below. You can also download in Word format [DOC 320KB].

To learn more about what performance standards are, how they are used, and other general information, see performance standards and grades

  Application and Development Inquiry and Reflection Collaboration and Communication

In-depth development of knowledge, concepts, and/or skills in relation to the program focus.

Thoughtful and consistent application of a range of knowledge, concepts, and skills for a purpose.

Effective development and insightful application of a chosen capability/or chosen capabilities.

In-depth exploration of relevant information, concepts, and ideas using a variety of sources.

In-depth reflection of the student’s own learning through self-assessment and feedback from others.
Sustained and productive collaboration with others.

Perceptive communication of ideas and opinions.

Some depth in development of knowledge, concepts, and/or skills in relation to the program focus.

Considered application of a range of knowledge, concepts, and skills for a purpose.

Focused development and some insightfulness in the application of a chosen capability/or chosen capabilities.

Some depth in exploration of relevant information, concepts, and ideas using a variety of sources.

Some depth in reflection of the student’s own learning through self assessment and feedback from others.

Effective collaboration with others.

Some perceptive communication of ideas and opinions.


Competent development of knowledge, concepts, and/or skills in relation to the program focus.

Competent application of knowledge, concepts, and/or skills for a purpose.

Competent development and application of a chosen capability/or chosen capabilities.

Competent exploration of relevant information, concepts, and ideas using a variety of sources.

Reflection of the student’s own learning through self-assessment and feedback from others.

Some effective collaboration with others.

Generally considered communication of ideas and opinions.


Partial development of some knowledge and/or skills in relation to the program focus.

Some basic application of knowledge and/or skills, with some relationship to a purpose.

Partial development and some basic application of a chosen capability/or chosen capabilities. 

Identification and gathering of some relevant information from more than one source.

Some acknowledgment of the student’s own learning through self-assessment and feedback  from others. 

Occasional collaboration with others.

Some description of ideas and/or opinions.


Attempted development of some knowledge and/or a skill in relation to the program focus.

Attempted application of knowledge and/or skill with some attempted link to a purpose.

Emerging development and attempted application of a chosen capability/or chosen capabilities. 

Identification of information in one or more source, which may have some relevance.

Emerging recognition of the student’s own learning through self-assessment and feedback from others.

Some attempt to work collaboratively with others.

Brief description of an idea and/or opinion.

Stage 1 | Subject outline | Subject changes

Subject changes

Any changes to this subject will be recorded here.