Stage 2 | Subject Outline | Versions control
Music Studies
Stage 2
Subject outline
Version 4.0 - For teaching in 2024.
Accredited in June 2017 for teaching at Stage 2 from 2019.
Accredited in June 2017 for teaching at Stage 2 from 2019.
Stage 2 | Subject outline | Capabilities | Personal and social capability
Personal and social capability
In this subject students extend and apply their personal and social capability by, for example:
- enriching their aesthetic appreciation of music
- collaborating with others to perform music
- reflecting on the appropriateness of their creative works to the intended purpose and context
- reflecting on learning and feedback in making refinements to their creative works
- reflecting on live music performances
- reflecting on and critiquing their own performances or compositions and those of other students
- refining their skills and understanding of their creative works to build confidence through diverse opportunities to practise and perform, and experiment and create
- being responsive to other musicians
- understanding and appreciating the aesthetic, stylistic, and technical dimensions of creating music
- exploring how the music of others influences their experimentation with music.