Stage 2 | Subject Outline | Versions control

Music Studies Stage 2
Subject outline

Version 4.0 - For teaching in 2024.
Accredited in June 2017 for teaching at Stage 2 from 2019.

Stage 2 | Subject outline | Performance standards

Performance standards

Stage 2 performance standards for Music Studies can be viewed below. You can also download in Word format [DOC 238KB].

To learn more about what performance standards are, how they are used, and other general information, see performance standards and grades

  Understanding Music Creating Music Responding to Music

Insightful and coherent reflection on musical influences on own original creations.

Insightful synthesis of findings, and creative and coherent expression of musical ideas.

Perceptive and creative application of knowledge and understanding of musical elements.

Proficient application of musical skills and techniques in developing, refining, and presenting creative works.

Accurate interpretation of musical works.

Highly creative manipulation of musical elements.

Focused and sustained application of a range of musical literacy skills, including aural perception and notation.

Perceptive and in‑depth deconstruction and analysis of musical works and/or styles.

Coherent reflection on musical influences on own original creations, with some insights.

Synthesis of findings, and generally creative and coherent expression of musical ideas.

Mostly creative application of knowledge and understanding of musical elements, with some perceptiveness.

Generally proficient application of musical skills and techniques in developing, refining, and presenting creative works.

Mostly accurate interpretation of musical works.

Creative manipulation of musical elements.

Mostly sustained application of a range of musical literacy skills, including aural perception and notation.

Some perceptiveness and depth in deconstruction and analysis of musical works and/or styles.

Generally coherent reflection on musical influences on own original creations.

Synthesis of some findings, and generally coherent expression of musical ideas, with some creativity.

Some creativity in application of knowledge and understanding of musical elements.

Competent application of musical skills and techniques in developing, refining, and presenting creative works.

Generally accurate interpretation of musical works.

Some creative manipulation of musical elements.

Generally competent application of a range of musical literacy skills, including aural perception and notation.

Generally competent deconstruction, with some analysis, of musical works and/or styles.

Some description of a musical influence on own original creations.

Some communication of findings and basic musical ideas.

Some application of basic knowledge and understanding of musical elements.

Some application of basic musical skills and techniques in developing and presenting creative works, with attempted refinement.

Some basic interpretation of a musical work.

Basic manipulation of some musical elements.

Some application of a narrow range of musical literacy skills, which may include aural perception and/or notation skills.

Partial deconstruction and description of one or more musical works and/or styles.

Emerging recognition of a musical influence in attempting own original creation.

Attempted communication of one or more findings, and of a basic musical idea.

Some basic recognition and attempted application of a narrow range of some musical elements.

Attempted application of some basic musical skills and techniques to develop or present a creative work.

Attempted interpretation of a basic musical work.

Attempted manipulation of a narrow range of musical elements.

Attempted application of very basic musical literacy skills.

Attempted description of a musical work and/or style.