Stage 1 | Subject Outline | Versions control

Physical Education Stage 1
Subject outline

Version 4.0 - For teaching in 2024.
Accredited in November 2017 for teaching at Stage 1 from 2019. Refer to subject changes.

Stage 1 | Subject outline | Subject changes

Subject changes

The proposed changes align with Stage 2 Physical Education. The digital version of the subject outline will be updated in January 2023.

Learning requirements

LR3 — Apply communication and collaborative skills in physical activity contexts’ to read: ‘Apply collaborative skills in physical activity contexts’. (Removing ‘communication’)

LR6 — Communicate using subject-specific terminology in a variety of modes’ to read: ‘Use subject-specific terminology’. (Removing ‘communicate’).

Focus Area 2: Through movement

Addition of a new key idea and consideration to include collaborative skills.

Key ideas

Collaboration for physical activity purposes
  • application of collaborative skills to suit the physical activity context, e.g. communication, building shared understanding, collectively contributing, regulating behaviour.
  • Utilising collaborative strategies to achieve common goals related to physical activity.

Assessment Type 2: Physical Activity Investigation

Adjustment to wording to provide greater clarity of the requirements to read:

‘Students participate in one or more physical activities to investigate how personal, social, and cultural factors influence participation.

Assessment design criteria

Removal of ‘communication’

  • Application and Communication title to read ‘Application’ only (e.g. change AC1, AC2, AC3 to A1, A2, and A3)
  • AC2 — Application of communication and collaborative skills, to read: A2 — Application of collaborative skills
  • AC3 — Communication using subject-specific terminology, to read: A3 — Use of subject-specific terminology.

Performance standards

The performance standards will be updated to reflect these changes.

  Application Exploration, Analysis, and Reflection

Astute and highly effective application of knowledge and understanding to movement concepts and strategies.

Focused and sustained application of collaborative skills. 

Highly effective use of accurate subject-specific terminology.

No change


Effective application of knowledge and understanding to movement concepts and strategies.

Mostly thorough and sustained application of collaborative skills.

Effective use of accurate subject-specific terminology.

No change


Generally effective application of knowledge and understanding to movement concepts and strategies..

Competent application of collaborative skills.

Generally effective use of subject-specific terminology with some accuracy.

No change


Some application of knowledge and understanding to movement concepts and strategies.

Some application of collaborative skills.

Some use of subject-specific terminology.

No change


Attempted application of knowledge and understanding to movement concepts and strategies.

Attempted application of collaborative skills.

Attempted use of subject-specific terminology.

No change