Stage 2 | Assessment Type 2: Language in Action

Australian Languages — First Language Stage 2
Assessment Type 2: Language in Action

School assessment Weighting: 30%

The Australian Languages — First Language language in action assessment type is assessed by the school and moderated at Stage 2. Teachers select moderation samples and submit materials online by mid-November (Round A)

Each student presents individual evidence of their:

  • reflection on their own learning from the language in action project, including evidence of their contribution to planning and collaboration
  • language in action project such as photographs and movie clips, resources, and digital products.

The reflection may be presented in [First Language] or English, or a combination. It should be no more than 800 words if written, or 8 minutes if presented orally or the equivalent in multimodal format.

Student work should be their own. See Supervision and verification of student work.



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