
Stage 1 | Subject outline | Version control

Digital Technologies Stage 1
Subject outline

Version 4.0 - For teaching in 2024.
Accredited in November 2016 for teaching at Stage 1 from 2018.

Stage 1 | Subject outline | Content | Focus area 3: Data analytics

Focus area 3: Data analytics

Students use computational thinking skills and strategies to analyse relationships in data sets, apply programming and program‑design skills, and use a digital system to transform data into information.

They develop skills in identifying patterns of similarities or repetition in data sets, and making predictions and drawing conclusions from these patterns. They use simple techniques to analyse and display the data.

Students apply their computational thinking skills to identify and define problems using data, and develop solutions. They apply their programming and program‑design skills to create and refine digital solutions. A solution may take the form of a product, prototype, and/or proof of concept.

Students have opportunities to work collaboratively and reflect on ways in which their solution could be used or improved.

Students extend their ethical understanding by researching and discussing the possible ethical implications of data collection, storage, and/or use.

Self‑assessment tools or skills frameworks may be used to support the development and application of students’ skills in working collaboratively.

The following framework provides a set of possible techniques and strategies that can be used for learning.

Key learning elaboration
Possible techniques and strategies
Data analysis

Students apply computational thinking to identify and analyse relationships in data sets.

Students discuss sources of data.

Students recognise patterns in data.

Students draw conclusions from patterns in data.

Students use simple techniques to analyse, tabulate, and display data.

Students investigate storage and management of data.

Students explore practical applications of data analytics.

Design thinking

Students use computational thinking skills to identify and define problems.

Students identify and define problems, questions, or hypotheses using data that can be collected or comes from publicly available data sets.

Students work collaboratively.

Students outline solutions to develop algorithms.

Students develop solutions iteratively and incrementally.

Creating digital solutions

Students create digital solutions based on data.

Students apply programming skills to create solutions such as dynamic webpages, application programs, and databases.

Students present solutions with appropriate documentation.

Students reflect on findings, and identify possible uses or innovation.

Ethical considerations

Students research and evaluate the ethical implications surrounding the collection, storage, use, and/or security of data.

Students research and evaluate strategies for use by government, business, organisations, and/or individuals for:

  • collection of personal data
  • data security and storage
  • data protection and backup
  • privacy and anonymising data
  • cyber security.