
Stage 1 | Subject outline | Version control

Digital Technologies Stage 1
Subject outline

Version 4.0 - For teaching in 2024.
Accredited in November 2016 for teaching at Stage 1 from 2018.

Stage 1 | Subject outline | Content | Focus area 4: Exploring innovations

Focus area 4: Exploring innovations

This focus area is designed to link closely with each of the other focus areas. Students extend and apply their critical and creative thinking capability through exploring innovation, including developing an understanding of what makes a solution innovative and how to be innovative in their own work. They identify and deconstruct problems of interest, visualise possibilities, and think about ways of working creatively and collaboratively to scope and design digital solutions.

Students investigate current innovations and advances in technology. They are encouraged to work collaboratively and use their initiative and creativity to generate and develop ideas and turn these ideas into practical solutions.

Students integrate their learning from other focus areas by applying their computational thinking skills, program‑design skills, programming skills, and/or data analysis skills to exploring innovative and creative solutions. A solution may take the form of a product, prototype, and/or proof of concept.

Students research ethical implications of digital solutions and possible ways in which solutions created now may be used in the future. They extend and apply their intercultural understanding by recognising how engaging with different perspectives enhances knowledge, understanding, and solutions.

Self‑assessment tools or skills frameworks may be used to support the development and application of students’ skills in working collaboratively.

The following framework provides a set of possible techniques and strategies that can be used for learning.

Key learning elaboration
Possible techniques and strategies
Exploring innovations

Students extend and apply critical and creative thinking skills.

Students develop an understanding of innovation.

Students explore and learn about critical and creative thinking.

Students explore the links between entrepreneurship and innovation.

Students engage with innovators and centres of innovation.

Students explore recent advances in technology.

Students consider how solutions that are created now might be used in the future; for example, embedded systems and the internet of things.

Developing ideas

Students generate ideas.

Students work collaboratively and communicate effectively.

Students explore agile practices and how these facilitate innovative thinking and collaborative ways of working.

Students use strategies to promote creativity and generate ideas.

Students use collaborative problem‑solving skills to plan, structure, and develop an idea.

Students explore and analyse existing programs, applications, and digital solutions relevant to the idea.

Students refine the idea.

Students identify roles and activities for group members and map how these are interconnected.

Students agree on and apply digital and other communication strategies to enable participation and contributions from group members.

Design thinking

Students learn and apply project‑design skills.

Students turn an idea into a solution such as a dynamic website, application program, wearable technology, or other digital solution. 

Students define and follow an agreed project plan based on time available, communication strategies, and key features of deliverables.

Creating a digital solution

Students create a digital solution and reflect on its effectiveness.

Students create a digital solution or prototype.

Students reflect on the effectiveness of the solution and identify possible extensions or improvements.

Ethical considerations

Students research and discuss the ethical implications of digital solutions.

Students research and discuss ethical considerations such as intellectual property rights and copyright.

Students consider the ethical implications of digital solutions on individuals, groups, societies, and/or the environment.