
Stage 1 | Subject outline | Version control

Digital Technologies Stage 1
Subject outline

Version 4.0 - For teaching in 2024.
Accredited in November 2016 for teaching at Stage 1 from 2018.

Stage 1 | Subject outline | School assessment | Assessment Type 1: Project Skills

Assessment Type 1: Project Skills

For a 10‑credit subject, students undertake at least two project skills tasks. For a 20‑credit subject, students undertake at least four project skills tasks.

Students examine approaches to identifying, deconstructing, and solving problems of interest by applying:

  • computational thinking skills
  • design and programming skills.

The tasks should focus on problems that the students identify as being of interest to them.

Tasks may be undertaken individually and/or collaboratively.

At least one of the tasks should involve students working collaboratively, with each student providing evidence of their role in and contribution to the collaborative task.

In at least one of the tasks, students should discuss ethical considerations, such as the implications of data use and/or digital solutions for individuals and/or groups.

Tasks should be presented in multimodal form, and each task should be the equivalent of a maximum of 5 minutes.

Tasks could include, for example:

  • a screen‑capture validation
  • a multimedia presentation of the solution to a problem or analysis of data
  • a prototype solution or proof of concept
  • a debate about the ethics of data storage and use.

For this assessment type, students provide evidence of their learning primarily in relation to the following assessment design criteria:

  • computational thinking
  • development and evaluation
  • research and ethics.