
Stage 2 | Subject outline | Version control

Digital Technologies Stage 2
Subject outline

Version 4.0 - For teaching in 2024.
Accredited in November 2016 for teaching at Stage 2 from 2019.

Stage 2 | Subject outline | Content | Focus area 4: Iterative project development

Focus area 4: Iterative project development

Students identify a concept or problem of interest and engage collaboratively and individually in iterative project development, where a product is developed in stages by applying techniques such as agile practices and/or iterative engineering design processes.

They scope, create, test, and evaluate a proposed digital solution to a problem of interest. The solution may be a product, prototype or proof of concept and should include innovative features. 

When working collaboratively, students choose a problem that is of interest to the group and relevant to the school and/or the local community. The problem chosen by the group should be manageable. Students identify the project client or clients (stakeholders), and engage with them at key stages of the project.

Students deconstruct the problem, scope a preliminary design for the digital solution, and identify roles and activities for group members. They develop and agree on a plan based on time-scale and resources, communication strategies to be used, and key features of the project deliverables. Students have the opportunity to move between activities and to contribute and complete activities begun by others.

Students work collaboratively to collect and analyse data relevant to the problem; drawing conclusions and/or making predictions that inform the process of scoping and designing the solution. They identify one or more project clients from either the school or the community, and communicate with the client or clients at key stages of the project.

Students design and fully develop each feature of the software product or prototype, using design and programming skills. Features are deliverables and students develop the highest priority features first. The activities and actions of each student are connected and build on those of other group members. Students are responsive to contributions made by others, recognising that engaging with different perspectives enhances their own knowledge, understanding, and solutions.

At each iteration, through cooperation and use of digital and other communication strategies, students clarify, amend, and/or add one or more features based on their learning from the previous iterations. They may use a range of forms to document and clarify amendments and additions to requirements, such as storyboards, screenshots, visuals, sketches, wireframe models, or user stories. Students test each feature to ensure that it is both usable and ready to progress to the next iteration.

Students research and discuss the ethical implications of their digital solution for individuals, groups, societies, and/or the environment.

Self‑assessment tools or skills frameworks may be used to support the development and application of students’ skills in working collaboratively.

The following framework provides a set of possible techniques and strategies that can be used for learning.

Key learning elaboration
possible and strategies techniques
Problem scoping and planning

Students engage in iterative project development, where a product is developed in stages by applying techniques such as agile practices and/or iterative engineering design.

Students add to or amend one or more features and/or requirements of the project as the project evolves and conditions change.

Students form project teams. 

Students conduct ‘market research’ to determine existing solutions to a problem.

Students define an original concept or problem by identifying one or more relevant data sets. 

Students identify audience and purpose.

Students create a set of requirements that identify key features of a digital solution, with opportunities to innovate.

Students clarify requirements, based on input from a key stakeholder/user representative.

Students prioritise feature development.

Students define an agreed plan of team activities and a project time-scale based on time available, communication strategies, and key features of deliverables.

Students identify, negotiate, and allocate roles in the project team and activities to be undertaken by each team member.

Students agree on and apply digital and other communication strategies to enable participation and contributions from group members.

Students select resources such as software, hardware, and media.

Students identify strategies to minimise potential risks to things such as the time-scale for deliverables.

Students consider how solutions that are created now will be used in the future.

Design thinking

Students learn and apply project‑design skills.

Students develop the highest priority features first.

Students produce a usable product at the end of each iteration.

Students turn an idea into a solution such as a dynamic website, application program, wearable technology, or other digital solution.

Students monitor progress against time‑scale, risks, and resources.

Students maintain effective communication within the group and between the group and key stakeholders.

Students make improvements based on user testing/feedback. 

Students modify agreed plan to reflect improvements.

Students evaluate whether the deliverable is consistent with the specified requirements, and make further improvements as needed.

Code development and evaluation

Students fully develop and test each feature before moving to the next feature.

Students develop code for each feature and integrate it with the existing design (version control).

Students evaluate feature by feature with system testing and user testing.

Ethical considerations

Students research and discuss the ethical implications of their digital solution for individuals, groups, societies, and/or the environment.

Students consider accessibility factors, such as visibility, access of use, device access, cost, and language.

Students consider security, encryption, and privacy issues (e.g. personal data and images).