
Stage 2 | Subject outline | Version control

Digital Technologies Stage 2
Subject outline

Version 4.0 - For teaching in 2024.
Accredited in November 2016 for teaching at Stage 2 from 2019.

Stage 2 | Subject outline | External assessment | Assessment Type 3: Individual Digital Solution

Assessment Type 3: Individual Digital Solution (30%)

Students apply iterative project techniques to independently identify, deconstruct, and solve a problem of interest by creating and evaluating a digital solution or prototype.

The problem should be chosen by, and be of interest to, the student. The problem should be manageable and have sufficient complexity to enable the student to achieve at the highest level. The problem may take as a starting point an aspect of a problem or solution created for Assessment Type 1 or Assessment Type 2, but must not repeat work already submitted for assessment.

In creating their digital solution or prototype, students should be mindful of any ethical considerations.

The solution or prototype should include:

  • original source code and/or adapted code displaying selection, repetition, and sequencing, accompanied by design comments 
  • algorithm design
  • graphical user interface and/or instructions for use.

The solution or prototype must be supported by a designer’s statement that discusses:

  • the effectiveness of the solution or prototype
  • a feature or features that could be considered innovative in solving the problem.

The individual digital solution and supporting documentation (code, design comments, graphical user interface and/or instructions for use) should be submitted in multimodal form.

The digital solution or prototype should be no more than 1 GB, with a maximum time limit of 15 minutes.

The designer’s statement should be a maximum of 3 minutes if oral, 500 words if written, or the equivalent if multimodal.

The following specific features of the assessment design criteria for this subject are assessed in Assessment Type 3: Individual Digital Solution:

  • computational thinking — CT1, CT2, CT4
  • development and evaluation — DE1, DE2, DE3.