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Functionality - General

What results do I enter into Schools Online?

On the school assessment results sheets, teachers enter students' final Stage 2 school assessment grades.

  • All subjects (A+ to E-, I) for each assessment type.
  • Community Studies subjects (O, A to E, I). Please note: O denotes OA (Outstanding Achievement) grade.
  • Modified Subjects: C (Completed) or N (Not completed).

On the investigation results sheets, teachers enter the students' final investigation marks.

  • All subjects (1-30)
  • Community Studies subjects (O, A to E). Please note: O denotes OA (Outstanding Achievement) grade.

On the Stage 1 results sheets, teachers enter the students' final Stage 1 grades.

  • All subjects: A-E, N
  • English and mathematics subjects and the Personal Learning Plan: A-E, N and P
  • Modified Subjects: C (Completed) or N (Not completed)

On the Predicted Examination results sheets teachers enter the students predicted examination mark as a percentage.

  • All subjects with an examination (1-100)
  • Languages at continuers level require a special subject allowance. Please refer to Information Sheet 12 [DOC 32KB].

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How long do I have to enter the results into Schools Online?

Results sheets will be open for a specified period in line with the Schools Online Cycle.

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How many results sheets will I have?

Stage 2 school assessment results - you will have a Stage 2 school assessment results sheet for every assessment group you teach, including a results sheet for any students you are teaching in a combined assessment group (made up of two or more classes or two or more different teachers).

Results sheets are released on different dates depending on the subject round. There are two rounds for the submission of Stage 2 school assessment results. Refer to the subject operational information, located on the relevant subject minisite, for results submission dates.

Stage 2 investigation results - you will have a Stage 2 investigation results sheet for every class you teach.

Results sheets are released on different dates depending on the subject round. There are three rounds for the submission of Stage 2 investigation results. Refer to the subject operational information, located on the relevant subject minisite, for results submission dates.

Stage 1 results - you will have a Stage 1 results sheet for every class you teach.

Results sheets are released on different dates depending on the resulting semester. Refer to the subject operational information, located on the relevant subject minisite, for results submission dates.

Stage 2 predicted examination results - you will have a Stage 2 predicted examination results sheet for every assessment group you teach, including a results sheet for any students you are teaching in a combined assessment group (made up of two or more classes or two or more different teachers).

Results sheets are released on different dates depending on the resulting semester. Refer to the subject operational information, located on the relevant subject minisite, for results submission dates.

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Why can't I edit a results sheet anymore?

There are a number of possible reasons:

  • When results sheets have been sent to the Principal's Delegate, teachers can no longer make any changes to them. In order for a teacher to make changes to the results sheets, the Principal's Delegate must return the results sheet to the teacher.
  • When a results sheet has been submitted to the SACE Board, it cannot be changed by school users from that point onwards. If changes are needed after submission, the Principal's Delegate must contact the SACE Board.

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At what point are results on an Online Results Sheet final?

Once results sheets have been processed by the SACE Board (Status = Processed by SACE Board) then results can no longer be modified.

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Why can I enter grades for some of the students on my results sheet but not all of them?

There are two possible reasons:

  • If a student is marked as "Withdrawn", grades cannot be entered for them. To enter grades, untick the withdrawn checkbox.
  • For Stage 2 school assessment and predicted examination, classes are sometimes combined into one assessment group for assessment purposes. Any teacher allocated to a combined class will be able to view all students in the combined class, but will only have access to submit the results for the students in their class in that assessment group.

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What happens when I add a student to a results sheet?

When a student is added, their name will appear on the results sheet and will be highlighted in pink.

  • Add the students' results, and
  • Send to the Principal's Delegate

The Principal's Delegate will review the new addition. When the Principal's Delegate authorises the addition, and sends the results sheet to the SACE Board, the enrolment, and the result will be accepted.

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What happens when I withdraw a student from a results sheet?

When a student is withdrawn, the results sheet with the withdrawal is sent to the Principal's Delegate.

The Principal's Delegate will review the results and the withdrawal of the student. When the Principal's Delegate authorises the withdrawal, and sends the results sheet to the SACE Board, the withdrawal will be accepted and the results for the withdrawn student updated to 'Withdrawn'.

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How long will I be able to view the results sheets after the deadline has been reached?

Results sheets will be available to view and export to PDF after the results sheets cut-off is reached for that subject round, until the end of the calendar year.

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Why is the due date in ORS different to the date published in the subject operational information?

The due date for teachers in ORS is automatically set three working days prior to the SACE Board due date to allow the Principal's Delegate time to check and verify the results before submitting them to the SACE Board. The Principal's Delegate has the ability to adjust the teacher due dates for their school.

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