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Functionality - Principal's Delegates

As a Principal's Delegate, why do I have to add a comment when returning a results sheet back to the teacher?

Comments are optional. Adding a comment allows you to communicate any actions that are required by the teacher. The comment is emailed to the teacher when the results sheet is returned.

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I am the Principal's Delegate and have received a results sheet back from the SACE Board. Can I return it to the teacher for action?

Yes. If the SACE Board is returning results sheets for action, dates within the system will be extended to allow action to be taken by the teacher and/or Principal's Delegate. To return the results sheet to the teacher, click the Return to Teacher button.

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My class is combined with others from a different school. Who is responsible for entering and sending the results to the SACE Board?

Any teacher allocated to a combined class will be able to view all students in the combined class, but will only have access to submit the grades for the students in their class in that assessment group.

The Principal's Delegate from the school nominated as the 'assessment school' will be able to view the results sheets for combined classes. The Principal's Delegate at the assessment school is responsible for submission of the results sheets for combined classes to the SACE Board.

The Principal's Delegate at the teaching or contact school will not be able to view the results sheets for combined classes.

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I am the Principal's Delegate at an assessment school that is comprised of classes from multiple schools. How will I know when a teacher in that assessment group has pressed the Send to Principal's Delegate button?

When a teacher has entered all of the results for students in their class and has pressed the Send to Principal's Delegate button the word 'Acknowledged' will appear alongside the teacher's name on the online results sheet.

When all teachers in the assessment group have sent their results to the Principal's Delegate, the Send to SACE Board button will be enabled.

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How can results be entered online if a teacher is absent or on leave during the results entry period?

Principal's Delegates can see and edit all results sheets in Schools Online for their school. If a teacher is absent during the results entry period then grades can be entered on behalf of that teacher by the Principal's Delegate.

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Can I import enrolments and results after the Stage 1 enrolment cut-off date?

No. After the enrolment cut-off, results sheets are generated and schools are no longer able to import enrolments and results.

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Will the result I import from other systems into Schools Online appear on my result sheets?

Yes, if the results are imported prior to the enrolment cut-off date. The imported results will then appear on the results sheets. The results will still need to be checked and approved by the teacher and Principal's Delegate prior to submission to the SACE Board.

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