
Coordinating the SACE | Admin | Information sheets | 15

Leaving school at the end of Semester 1

Advice about the Record of Achievement and the South Australian Certificate of Education for students leaving school at the end of Semester 1.

SACE documents

The SACE Board seeks notification of students who are leaving school at the end of Semester 1, and who do not intend to enrol at another school to undertake SACE studies in Semester 2. These students are entitled to receive a Record of Achievement, detailing studies that contribute towards the completion of the SACE, and the certificate (if applicable).

Students should request a Record of Achievement and a certificate (if applicable) by completing Form 15 [PDF 159KB]. Applications should be endorsed by the principal or the principal’s delegate. Documents will be sent directly to students.

Students’ requests are due at the SACE Board early in Term 3. Requests for SACE completion documents at other times, usually as a result of recognition of other learning, should follow the same procedure.

email: askSACE@sa.gov.au
Phone: 1300 322 920

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SACE completion

There is an opportunity for some students to complete the SACE at the end of Semester 1 using Stage 2 Research Project. Some students may also require additional Stage 2 credits to complete the SACE mid-year.

Schools should contact the SACE Board to discuss options for students who require Stage 2 credits for subjects other than Research Project to complete the SACE at the end of Semester 1.

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