
Coordinating the SACE | Admin | Information sheets | 26

Previously Information sheet 26 Research Project and Activating Identities and Futures — student re-enrolment

The following arrangements apply to students who: re-enrol in (resubmit or repeat) Stage 2 Research Project A or B or Activating Identities and Futures and require the additional opportunity to resubmit Stage 2 Research Project A or B or Activating Identities and Futures, in order to complete their SACE.

These arrangements enable students to:

  • resubmit one or more assessment types to become eligible for the SACE
  • repeat Research Project A or B or Activating Identities and Futures to improve their subject grade.

Student re-enrolment

Schools are required to re-enrol students who resubmit one or more assessment types for, or repeat, Stage 2 Research Project A or B or Activating Identities and Futures. Schools should re-enrol students in Schools Online by by the enrolment due date each semester.

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Resubmitting to meet SACE eligibility

For students who resubmit one or more assessment types for Research Project A or B or Activating Identities and Futures to become eligible for the SACE, that is, those who have not yet achieved a minimum grade of C–, the following arrangements apply.

Students have the option of making content changes to one or more of the assessment types, and resubmitting the amended type(s) for assessment at one of the available assessment periods in June or December.

When at least a C– grade is achieved through resubmitting one or more assessment types, the result is reported on the student’s Record of Achievement as ‘granted’.

For students who want to resubmit one or more assessment types, schools must submit:

to the SACE Board by the enrolment due date each semester.

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Repeating to improve the subject grade

Students who repeat Research Project A or B or Activating Identities and Futures to improve their subject grade must:

  • research a substantially different topic and different content to that researched originally
  • provide evidence of their learning in all three assessment types.

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Resubmitting for SACE completion (results due December)

Following the end-of-year results release, students who have met all the requirements of the SACE except satisfactory achievement of the Research Project or Activating Identities and Futures will have an additional opportunity to resubmit one or more assessment types.

This additional opportunity only applies to students:

  • who were enrolled in Research Project or Activating Identities and Futures (results due December) 
  • for whom results were submitted for one or more assessment types for Research Project or Activating Identities and Futures (results due December)
  • who have met all other SACE requirements

Students who meet these criteria may resubmit one or more assessment types between the date of results release in December and the end of January in the following year, for resulting at the end of the clerical check period in February.

Schools with students who did not complete their SACE by not reaching the C– standard in Stage 2 Research Project or Activating Identities and Futures (results due December) only will be contacted by the SACE Board on the day of results release.

The SACE Board will invite school leaders to contact identified students to ascertain their willingness to complete extra work and resubmit one or more assessment type to complete the SACE.

The SACE Board will provide the school with an exceptional circumstances form. The principal or the principal’s delegate should submit the form to the SACE Board early in January the following year, with details of the student(s), the corresponding assessment type(s) to be resubmitted, and the anticipated submission date.

All resubmitted assessments, with results from the school, must be submitted to the SACE Board by late January the following year. When at least a C– grade is achieved through resubmitting one or more assessment types, the result is reported on the student’s Record of Achievement as ‘granted’.

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