
Coordinating the SACE | Admin | Information sheets | 30

Previously Information sheet 30 Results submission — VET

Details for schools about submitting results to the SACE Board for vocational education and training (VET).

Recognition arrangements for VET in the SACE are in place for students who wish to count VET towards their SACE. The recognition arrangements are outlined in the Recognition Arrangements for Vocational Education and Training (VET) in the SACE policy [PDF 142KB].

See VET for more information, including:

Submitting results

  1. Schools should submit VET results in Schools Online. Where the code for the VET qualification, skill set or unit of competency is not available in Schools Online, email askSACE@sa.gov.au or call 1300 322 920.

Refer to the SACE calendar or the NTCET calendar for dates for VET results. Type 'vet' in the calendar's search box to find appropriate dates.

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Verifying of VET for an ATAR

A principal’s verification form (available in Schools Online — VET enrolments) must be submitted to the SACE Board for a completed VET Certificate III or above by early December if the qualification is to be used in calculating an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).

email: askSACE@sa.gov.au 
Phone: 1300 322 920.

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