
Coordinating the SACE | Admin | Information sheets | 33

Previously Information sheet 33 School categories

Description of the attributes that the SACE Board uses to identify schools for administrative purposes. Examples of teaching and assessment schools that may not be a student’s contact school.

School categories include: contact school, teaching school, assessment school, and examination centre.

See Special arrangements for examples of teaching and assessment schools that may not be a student’s contact school.

Contact school

This is the school where students spend most of their time, where their overall progress is monitored, where they are given counselling and pastoral care, and where SACE Board communications can most easily reach them. A student can have only one contact school.

Contact schools are responsible for registering students for the SACE, and for tracking SACE completion for these students.

Teaching school

Most students study all their subjects at one school, which is their contact school. That school teaches the subject, provides the assessment, and sends the results to the SACE Board.

However, some students undertake one or more subjects in other teaching locations, such as ethnic schools, the Open Access College, the School of Languages, and other specialist subject schools (e.g. art, dance, drama, and music schools). In these cases, the teaching school is the school at which the students study the subject, and this school differs from the contact school.

The teaching school is responsible for enrolling the students. See Special arrangements for more information on students studying subjects at schools other than their contact school.

Assessment school

The assessment school is most often the teaching school. However, if classes from different schools combine to form an assessment group, one of the schools is nominated as the assessment school. Schools should specify the assessment school when enrolling students using Schools Online.

The assessment school is responsible for submitting student results to the SACE Board.

Examination centre

Where students study subjects that are not taught at their contact school, the SACE Board assumes that the most appropriate examination centre will be the contact school, rather than the teaching school, for these subjects. SACE coordinators may ask that such students be relocated to an alternative examination centre. The SACE Board will try to undertake this move, subject to the alternative examination centre accepting additional students. These examination centre changes are generally completed by late Term 3.

Fees are applied to setting up of special examination centres for students who have applied for permission for a special examination centre and met the criteria under the SACE Board’s Examination Centre policy [PDF 115KB]. Requests can be made by emailing askSACE@sa.gov.au before the end of June.

Please refer to the SACE Board of South Australia (Fees) Notice [PDF 131KB] for information on charges.

Special arrangements

When students study subjects at schools other than their contact school, that school is responsible for enrolling them in the subjects taught at the school and for submitting student results for the subject to the SACE Board.

The following schools are examples of teaching and assessment schools that may not be a student’s contact school:

  • Department for Education Special Schools
  • Ethnic schools
  • Open Access College
  • School of Languages
  • Specialist subject schools (e.g. art, dance, drama, and music schools).

Enrolments and results for subjects studied at these schools are submitted to the SACE Board by these schools in Schools Online. Contact schools are required to complete all SACE student registrations.

Schools involved in cooperative teaching arrangements

In a multicampus school or where schools are clustered, the teaching school may be different from the contact school. It is the responsibility of the teaching school to ensure that the SACE Board receives correct subject enrolments and results and is informed of the correct teaching and/or assessment school.

email: askSACE@sa.gov.au
Phone: 1300 322 920

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