
Coordinating the SACE | Admin | Information sheets | 50

Results sheets and online submission — Stage 2 final moderation

Advice about procedures for completing and submitting school assessment results sheets and online submission of school assessment materials.

School assessment materials for all Stage 2 subjects are submitted in Schools Online for online moderation.


Moderation is part of the confirming phase of the quality assurance cycle outlined in the SACE Assuring Assessment Integrity Policy, which is part of the SACE Policy Framework. It is used to confirm students’ school assessment results in each Stage 2 subject.

In semester 1, school assessment results sheets are available, and final moderation of Stage 2 school assessment is conducted for Activating Identities and Futures, Research Project A and Research Project B (results due June) only.

In semester 2, school assessment results sheets are available, and final moderation of Stage 2 school assessment is conducted for all Stage 2 subjects (results due December).

This information does not apply to the review of Stage 2 modified subjects (see Information sheet 17).

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Results sheets in Schools Online

Schools access school assessment results sheets in Schools Online

All student work for school assessment must be completed, submitted to the teacher, and assessed before the school assessment results sheets are completed.

The principal, or principal’s delegate verifies school assessment results and submits them to the SACE Board by the due date.

The due date for teachers in Schools Online is automatically set to 3 working days before the SACE Board due date to allow time for the principal or the principal’s delegate to check and verify the results before submitting them to the SACE Board. The principal or principal’s delegate has the ability to adjust the teacher due dates for his or her school.

This is the final opportunity for schools to make enrolment changes (additions or withdrawals). 

Once results sheets have been submitted to the SACE Board, SACE Coordinators will need to contact the askSACE team to complete and submit a Late Stage 2 Changes form.

Exceptional circumstances

Where a school requires an extension to a results and materials submission deadline because of circumstances beyond their control, then an application for exceptional circumstances can be requested by the principal of the school and directed to askSACE. Eligible applications will not incur late fees.

Late Stage 2 changes

From Term 1 2023, administration fees may be charged for late class changes, late results changes, and incorrect submission of materials, for Stage 2 that occur after the results sheets are closed. Please refer to the SACE Board of South Australia (Fees) Notice [PDF 131KB] for information on charges. SACE Coordinators will need to contact the askSACE team to complete and submit a Late Stage 2 Changes form.

Advice for teachers

Teachers access school assessment results sheets in Schools Online in order to:

  • record the final results for the students at their school
  • select a sample of students whose school assessment work will be submitted for final moderation according to the sample selection parameters
  • submit the results sheet including the teacher-selected moderation sample to the principal’s delegate of the assessment school for authorisation.
  • submit materials online.

The SACE Board may invite schools to submit one or more additional moderation samples during the moderation period.

The columns on the school assessment results sheets, reading from the left, are as follows:

  • ‘Student Name’ — listing students’ names alphabetically.
  • ‘Registration’ — listing the students’ SACE registration numbers.
  • ‘A+ to E—‘ – blank columns in which the teacher records student results from A+ to E— for each assessment type in a subject. When a student does not provide any evidence for an assessment type, the designation ‘I’ (for ‘insufficient evidence’) is recorded. The results sheet indicates the weighting of the assessment types as specified in the Stage 2 subject outline.
  • ‘Sample’ – blank columns in which the teacher indicates the students whose school assessment work will be included in the sample of work to be submitted for final moderation.
  • ‘Performance Standards Record’ – is used by teachers to record the overall achievement against the subject performance standards.
  • ‘Variations’ – is used by teachers, per assessment type, to record details of any variations in moderation materials.
  • ‘Student Materials’ – is used by teachers to submit student materials online.
  • ‘Combined grade’ – A combined school assessment grade A+ to E— is automatically calculated using the student’s results for each assessment type.
  • ‘Withdrawn’ – tick the box in this column to withdraw a student’s enrolment from a subject. (Note that ‘Withdrawn’ is not printed on the student’s Record of Achievement’).


  • To add an enrolment and results, select ‘Add student’ on the school assessment results sheet.
  • Teachers should take care when entering results in each column.
  • Teachers must check that all information on the school assessment results sheet is accurate before sending the completed results sheet to the principal or the principal’s delegate.
  • Refer to Information sheet 3 for advice on completing Form 2 following a breach of rules by a student.
  • Refer to Information sheet 58 for advice about special provisions for a student’s school assessment.
  • Refer to Information sheet 55 for advice about variations in moderation materials

Exceptional circumstances

Where a school requires an extension to a results and materials submission deadline because of circumstances beyond their control, then an application for exceptional circumstances can be requested by the principal of the school and directed to askSACE. Eligible applications will not incur late fees.

Late Stage 2 changes

From Term 1 2023, administration fees may be charged for late class changes, late results changes, and incorrect submission of materials, for Stage 2 that occur after the results sheets are closed. Please refer to the SACE Board of South Australia (Fees) Notice [PDF 131KB] for information on charges. SACE Coordinators will need to contact the askSACE team to complete and submit a Late Stage 2 Changes form.

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Teacher Checklist – Stage 2 Online Submission - School Assessment Results Sheets

To support teachers in uploading student and teacher materials we have designed the following checklist.

Teacher materials
Learning and assessment plan (including addendum where applicable)

All assessment task sheets

All subjects - student group electronic evidence (such as video or audio), which is identified by assessment task and assessment type (if applicable)

For subjects which involve calculations (e.g. Essential Mathematics, General Mathematics, Mathematical Methods and Specialist Mathematics) solutions must be included to enable moderators to review teacher’s decisions without having to mark student work.

Subject adjustments
Teachers should appropriately represent any COVID adjustments made in the teaching materials uploaded (e.g. addendum in the LAP) to provide the most accurate evidence to support moderation.

Student samples
For each student selected in the sample:

  • results have been entered accurately 
  • all assessment tasks uploaded for correct assessment type
  • files are not password protected
  • files can be opened, and no pages are missing
  • the most final version of evidence has been uploaded 
  • student work uploaded for the correct assessment type.

All A+ student samples for each assessment type have been uploaded.

Variations – Moderation Materials (VMM) teachers use the VMM function on the result sheet to alert the moderation panel to variations, such as missing student materials, a breach of rules, or special provisions (if applicable).

For evidence presented as living documents (e.g. website, blog, or other online-hosted content), a static version (e.g. downloaded file, zip file, screenshots/screencasts or word version) must be uploaded to Schools Online for marker and moderator access.

Responses presented in oral or multimodal formats must be comprehensible in quality and speed. Supporting evidence such as transcripts may also be uploaded. 

Mathematics subjects
For subjects which involve calculations (e.g. Essential Mathematics, General Mathematics, Mathematical Methods and Specialist Mathematics) marking must be included to enable moderators to review teacher’s decisions without having to mark student work.

Stage 2 Dance
AT1 Performance Portfolio - student identification sheet for online submission [DOC 261KB] for each student in the moderation sample.

Stage 2 Drama
Student Identification Sheet [DOC 253KB] has been uploaded for every student in the assessment group when submitting electronic evidence.

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Online submission

See Online submission of materials for FAQs and information about online submission of school assessment materials. Refer to file names and formats, and training videos for more information.

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Subject and Assessment Types

School assessment materials are submitted in Schools Online

Subject Assessment type
Aboriginal Studies Learning Journey; Social Action
Accounting Accounting Concepts and Solutions; Accounting Advice
Activating Identities and Futures Portfolio; Progress Checks 
Agricultural Production Agricultural Reports; Applications
Agricultural Systems Agricultural Reports; Applications
Ancient Studies Skills and Applications; Connections
Australian Languages - Additional Language Creating and Responding; Language in Action
Australian Languages - First Language Creating and Responding; Language in Action
Australian Languages - Revival Language Language Folio; Collaborative Project
Biology Investigations Folio; Skills and Applications Tasks
Business Innovation Business Skills; Business Model
Chemistry Investigations Folio; Skills and Applications Tasks
Child Studies Practical Activity; Group Activity
Community Connections Folio; Reflection
Community Studies A Contract of Work
Creative Arts Product; Investigation
Cross-disciplinary Studies Commentary; Group Project; Presentation and Discussion
Dance Performance Portfolio; Dance Contexts
Design, Technology and Engineering Specialised Skills Task; Design Process and Solution
Digital Technologies Project Skills, Collaborative Project
Drama Group Production; Evaluation and Creativity
Earth and Environmental Science Investigations Folio; Skills and Applications Tasks
Economics Folio; Economic Project
English Responding to Texts; Creating Texts
English as an Additional Language Academic Literacy Study; Responses to Texts
English Literary Studies Responding to Texts; Creating Texts
Essential English Responding to Texts; Creating Texts
Essential Mathematics Skills and Applications Tasks; Folio
Food and Hospitality Practical Activity; Group Activity
General Mathematics Skills and Applications Tasks; Mathematical Investigation
Geography Geographical Skills and Applications; Fieldwork Report
Health and Wellbeing Initiative; Folio
Indonesian (continuers) Folio; In-depth Study
Industry Connections Work Skills Portfolio; Reflection
Integrated Learning Practical Inquiry; Connections
Information Processing and Publishing Practical Skills; Issues Analysis
Integrated Learning Practical Inquiry; Connections
Language and Culture Text Analysis; Interaction; Text Production
Languages (background speakers and continuers) Folio; In-depth Study
Languages (beginners) Interaction; Text Production; Text Analysis
Legal Studies Folio; Inquiry
Mathematical Methods Skills and Applications Tasks; Mathematical Investigation
Media Studies Folio; Product
Modern History Historical Skills; Historical Study
Music Explorations Musical Literacy, Explorations
Music Performance – Ensemble Performance, Performance and Discussion
Music Performance – Solo Performance, Performance and Discussion
Music Studies Creative Works, Musical Literacy
Nutrition Investigations Folio; Skills and Applications Tasks
Outdoor Education About Natural Environments; Experiences in Natural Environments
Philosophy  Argument Analysis; Issues Analysis
Physical Education Diagnostics; Improvement Analysis
Physics Investigations Folio; Skills and Applications Tasks
Politics, Power and People Folio; Sources Analysis
Psychology Investigations Folio; Skills and Applications Tasks
Research Project A Folio; Research Outcome
Research Project B Folio; Research Outcome
Scientific Studies Inquiry Folio, Collaborative Inquiry
Society and Culture Folio; Interaction
Specialist Mathematics Skills and Applications Tasks; Mathematical Investigation
Spiritualites, Religion and Meaning Reflective Analysis; Connections
Tourism Folio; Practical Activity; Investigation
Visual Arts - Art Folio; Practical
Visual Arts - Design Folio; Practical
Women’s Studies Text Analysis; Essay; Folio
Workplace Practices Folio; Performance; Reflection

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Additional moderation samples

The SACE Board reserves the right to request additional moderation samples at any time before the release of results, and may invite schools to submit one or more additional moderation samples. School assessment materials for students who are not included in the moderation sample should be readily accessible throughout the moderation period.

Schools are encouraged to keep school assessment materials for all students until the end of the clerical check period in February of the following year.

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