
Coordinating the SACE | Admin | Information sheets | 52

Results sheets — Stage 2 predicted results

Advice for teachers and SACE coordinators on procedures to follow for completing and submitting predicted results sheets in Schools Online for Stage 2 external oral, sign, and written examinations.

What is a predicted examination result?

The predicted examination result is a prediction of a student’s performance in a SACE Board examination (oral, sign, or examination). 

  • The predicted result is entered as a result out of 100 (percentage)
  • Predicted examination results should not be revealed to students.

Teachers should base their predicted result on the student’s performance throughout the year and anticipated result in an exam situation. This process calls on evidence of their performance and the professional judgement of teachers, based on all the student’s available assessment evidence. 

It is important that the predicted result is a genuine estimate of likely achievement in the exam, as it is used to derive a result. A derived result is calculated statistically from the predicted result provided to the SACE Board.

Students should be encouraged to attempt the examination where possible, as the final examination result will be the higher of the student’s actual examination result or derived result.

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Requesting a derived result

Students may request the use of a derived result for Stage 2 examinations if they are suffering from a medical condition or on the grounds of a misadventure:   

Medical Condition

Students may request the use of a derived result for Stage 2 examinations if they are suffering from a medical condition and as a consequence:

  • are unable to attend an examination; or
  • sit an examination while impaired. 


Students may also request the use of a derived result on the grounds of misadventure or personal circumstances. A derived result for misadventure in assessment is requested as the consequence of an incident beyond the student’s and/or the school’s control that affects a student’s ability to participate in, or comply with the requirements or conditions of, an assessment on the same basis as other students. Examples include, a death in the family, a car accident, technical issues experienced during an online examination, or a fire alarm during an examination. 

Also, an application for personal circumstances may be based on interrupted schooling because of family responsibilities or cultural obligations.

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Forming assessment groups 

Refer to Information sheet 1 for an explanation of forming assessment groups for external assessment.

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Predicted examination results

See the timetable on the SACE website.

The following subjects have an examination as the external assessment component and require a predicted examination result.

Subject Assessment type
Accounting Examination
Auslan (continuers) Interactive sign examination; Sign comprehension and sign production examination
Biology Examination
Chemistry Examination
Economics Examination
English as an Additional Language Examination
English Literary Studies Examination
Essential Mathematics Examination
Geography Examination
Languages* Oral examination; written examination
Legal Studies Examination
General Mathematics Examination
Mathematical Methods Examination
Modern History Examination
Music Studies Examination
Nutrition (20-credit) Examination
Physics Examination
Psychology (20-credit) Examination
Specialist Mathematics Examination
Tourism Examination
* At background speakers, beginners, and continuers levels.

Schools access predicted examination results sheets in Schools Online.

Schools submit predicted examination results for oral, sign, or written examinations for all students in an assessment group. If the assessment group includes more than one school, the results sheets can be accessed by each school in the assessment group. Each class involved in an assessment group is listed sequentially on the results sheets for that assessment group. Teachers are only able to enter results for the students in their class.

The principal’s delegate verifies predicted examination results sheets and submits them to the SACE Board by the due date. If the assessment group includes more than one school, the principal’s delegate of the nominated assessment school is responsible for submitting the predicted examination results sheets for the assessment group to the SACE Board.

The due date for teachers in Schools Online is automatically set to 3 working days prior to the SACE Board due date to allow time for the principal’s delegate to check and verify the results before submitting them to the SACE Board. The principal’s delegate has the ability to adjust the teacher due dates for his or her school.

Timetable for predicted examination results

Subjects Assessment type Predicted examination results sheets available in Schools Online Predicted examination results sheets due at the SACE Board
Auslan (continuers)

Interactive sign examination

Sign comprehension and sign production examination
Mid-September Late September
Languages* Oral examination† Written examination Mid-September Late September
Stage 2 subjects with an external written examination (other than languages*) Written examination Mid-September Late October
* At background speakers, beginners, and continuers levels.
† There is no oral examination for students enrolled in Latin (continuers), and Malay (background speakers

Advice for teachers

Predicted examination results must not be revealed to students.

Teachers access predicted examination results sheets in Schools Online in order to:

  • record students’ predicted results in the external oral, sign, or written examination
  • submit the completed results sheet to the principal or the principal’s delegate.

The columns on the predicted examination results sheets, reading from the left, are as follows:

  • ‘Student Name’ — listing students’ names alphabetically.
  • ‘Class’
  • ‘Registration’ — listing the students’ SACE registration numbers.
  • ‘Written examination max. 100’ — blank column in which the teacher records a predicted mark out of 100 for the written examination in a subject.
  • ‘Oral examination max. 100’ — where applicable, a blank column in which the teacher records a predicted mark out of 100 for the oral examination in a language subject†.
  • ‘Withdraw’ — tick the box in this column to withdraw the student’s external assessment component. (Note a ‘withdraw’ on the predicted examination online results sheet does not withdraw the student from the subject.)

For some Stage 2 languages at continuers level where first-language learners and background learners are enrolled in the same subject, there is a column to the left of the ‘Withdraw’ column:

  • ‘Special subject allowance category’ — a drop-down menu from which the teacher selects ‘First Language Learners’, ‘Background Learners’, or ‘Second Language Learners’ as applicable (see Information sheet 12).

On the results sheet for Auslan (continuers), the results columns are:

  • ‘Sign Comp. & Sign Prod. Exam. Max: 100’ — a blank column in which the teacher records a predicted mark out of 100 for the sign comprehension and sign production examination.
  • ‘Interactive Sign Examination Max: 100’ — a blank column in which the teacher records a predicted mark out of 100 for the interactive sign examination.


  • To add an enrolment and result, select ‘Add student’ on the predicted examination results sheet in Schools Online.
  • Teachers should take care when entering results in each column.
  • Teachers must check that all information on the predicted examination results sheet is accurate before sending it to the principal’s delegate.
  • Requests for changes to results sheets that have been submitted to the SACE Board will be approved by the Executive Manager, Curriculum and Assessment only in exceptional circumstances.

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