
Teaching the SACE | Assessment | School assessment and moderation | Stage 2 Moderation | PDF | Assumptions


When moderating school assessment results, moderators assume that:

  • students have been taught and assessed according to the specifications of the relevant subject outline
  • assessment has been conducted according to SACE Board policies and procedures
  • the performance standards for the subject have been applied consistently and accurately across an assessment group
  • teachers have determined grade levels (–, mid-grade, +) by considering whether or not evidence of learning demonstrates specific features that are predominantly from:
    • one particular grade (mid-grade)
    • one grade but some of which are from a higher grade band(s) (+)
    • one grade but some of which are from a lower grade band(s) (–)
  • the achievement order determined by the teacher is accurate
  • school assessment results sheets submitted by the school to the SACE Board are correct.
Moderation involves Moderation does not involve
  • looking for evidence in a sample to support the results provided by the teacher
  • considering students’ evidence of learning and the match between this evidence and the performance standards in the subject outline
  • confirming or adjusting a result when
  • supported by evidence of learning
  • providing schools with feedback about the outcomes of moderation.
  • marking or initiating a result
  • checking that the teacher has marked errors in the student work correctly
  • looking for disagreement with the teacher
  • giving advice about improvements or commenting on the work of individual students.