
Teaching the SACE | Assessment | School assessment and moderation | Stage 2 Moderation | PDF | Definitions


The following terms are used in this document:

  • assessment group — the group to which students belong for assessment in a subject, as determined by the school. The assessment group can include
    • all the students in the school undertaking the subject and taught by a particular teacher
    • all the students in the school undertaking the subject taught by multiple teachers
    • the students in more than one school taught by one or more teachers
  • assessment types — subject outlines specify different types of assessments that students are to undertake. An assessment type comprises one or more tasks
  • benchmarking — the process used to maximise accuracy among moderators before moderation begins by ensuring that moderators’ assessment decisions on student folios materials are consistent with statewide performance standards
  • grade band — the five bands of achievement described in the performance standards:
    • A, B, C, D, E.
    • Each grade band contains three grade levels: +, mid-grade, and –
  • grade level — the levels of achievement that schools report to the SACE Board, and the SACE Board reports to students: A+, A, A–, B+, B, B–, C+, C, C–, D+, D, D–, E+, E, E–
  • inspection points — the initial grade levels reviewed by moderators Is this relevant online?
  • moderation sample — student folios materials selected by schools to represent their decisions about the assessment type. Teachers also provide a copy of an approved learning and assessment plan, a complete set of task sheets, and a Variations — moderation materials form (if applicable)
  • moderation task — the assessment group in online moderation. See assessment group
  • obvious evidence — is important, significant, and easily recognisable. Obvious evidence is not nuanced or subtle
  • school assessment (component) — assessments designed, administered, and marked by the school in accordance with the subject outline and SACE Board policies and procedures
  • school assessment grade — the combined result for all assessment types in the school assessment component of a subject
  • student folio — an entire set of marked student work for an assessment type as specified in the approved learning and assessment plan
  • substantial evidence — is considerable in size, frequency, occurrence, and/or significant in its worth or volume
  • supervisor — subject expert selected from the Lead Practitioner panel and appointed by the SACE Board who independently checks that the recommendations provided by moderators are consistent with statewide performance standards.