
Teaching the SACE | Assessment | School assessment and moderation | Stage 2 Moderation | PDF | Introduction


Purposes of moderation

At Stage 2, moderation seeks to confirm schools’ assessment decisions about student achievement. The purposes of Stage 2 final moderation are to ensure:

  • that the performance standards in a subject have been applied consistently and accurately to school assessment
  • that school-assessed results awarded to students across schools are comparable and fair
  • valid school assessment results.

Operating principles

The following operating principles underpin the moderation procedures for SACE subjects at Stage 2:

Achievement order

Moderation decisions maintain the order of student achievement in assessment types for each assessment group (i.e., the range A+ to E–).


Moderation decisions that confirm or recommend adjustments to school assessment results apply to all students in an assessment group with the same result. Moderation decisions seek to ensure that the interpretation and application of the performance standards in a subject are consistent across all schools.


A student is neither advantaged nor disadvantaged by having their work included in the sample submitted for moderation.

Interdependence and responsibility

The procedures for assuring the integrity of SACE assessments are based on the interconnected and complementary responsibilities of the student, the teacher, school leaders, and the SACE Board in the assessment process.


Moderation is based on evidence provided in a sample of student work from an assessment group. The evidence is representative of the range of grade levels assigned to students in the assessment group.


The procedures for assuring the integrity of SACE assessments are explicit and open to scrutiny.


Moderation seeks to confirm the school’s assessment decisions about student achievement, based on the assumption that the learning requirements, assessment design criteria, and the specifications of the subject outline have been followed, and that the performance standards have been interpreted consistently.