
Teaching the SACE | Assessment | School assessment and moderation | Stage 2 Moderation | PDF | Supervisor review guidelines

Supervisor review guidelines

The following guidelines are provided to support supervisors to review moderators’ recommendations to adjust

  • Supervisors independently review recommendations provided by moderators. Supervisors do not seek further clarification from moderators.
  • Supervisors begin with the Performance Standards Record
  • Supervisors review the:
    • result submitted by the school
    • recommended adjustment by the moderator
    • assessment design criteria (or specific features for Stage 2 Research Project) indicated as the reason for the recommended adjustment by the moderator.
  • Supervisors review the student evidence and focus on the assessment design criteria (or specific features for Stage 2 Research Project) that the moderator has noted on the Performance Standards Record (PSR) and seek evidence to confirm the school result.
  • Supervisors determine if the student evidence (or specific features for Stage 2 Research Project) highlighted by the moderator on the PSR is obvious and substantial:
    • obvious evidence is important, significant, and easily recognisable. Obvious evidence is not nuanced or subtle
    • substantial evidence is of considerable importance, size, or worth at the assessment type level.
  • When making an adjustment, supervisors write comments about the adjustment, citing obvious and substantial evidence that is referenced to the performance standards, and comparable to calibration activities (standards clarification).
  • Supervisors determine adjustments independently, without influence from, or discussion with, the moderator.
  • Supervisors do not advise moderators about their decisions.

Supervisor review procedure

  1. The supervisor independently reviews the student folio(s) at the initial inspection points recommended for an adjustment by the moderator, focusing on the criteria (or specific features for Stage 2 Research Project) that the moderator has highlighted on the PSR. The supervisor seeks evidence to confirm the school result.
  2. When evidence in the student materials supports the results awarded by the school, the adjustment(s) recommended by the moderator is overturned. The supervisor confirms the result(s) recommended by the school, and any adjustments recommended for additional grade levels are disregarded (where appropriate).
  3. When a supervisor is unable to find evidence in the student materials that supports one or more of the results awarded by the school, the supervisor makes an adjustment. Any adjustments made by the supervisor must be based on obvious and substantial evidence in the student materials, the performance standards, and the specifications of the relevant subject outline. Adjustments reflect the moderator’s recommendation or an adjustment that the supervisor determines more appropriately reflects the performance standards and calibration activity (standards clarification).
  4. The supervisor writes comments referencing obvious and substantial evidence in the student materials that explain the adjustment(s), citing performance standards and, if required, comparable calibration activities (standards clarification)
    a.    Obvious evidence is important, significant, and easily recognisable. Obvious evidence is not nuanced or subtle.
    b.    Substantial evidence is of considerable importance, size, or worth at the assessment type level.
  5. The supervisor finalises the adjustment(s) on the school assessment — moderation results sheet and clicks the submit button.