
Coordinating the SACE | Admin | Special Provisions | SACE Board responsibilities

Special provisions SACE Board responsibilities

SACE Board officers consider and approve requests for reasonable adjustments for eligible students in external assessments at Stage 2 that affect SACE Board processes and/or require(s) action on the part of the SACE Board to be implemented. For students with disability, such requests must include consultation with the student (or an associate of the student) at the school level, prior to submission to the SACE Board. The SACE Board is also responsible for considering requests for special provisions in Stage 2 examinations on the grounds of misadventure or personal circumstances.

All requests for special provisions submitted to the SACE Board must include a clear recommendation from the student’s principal (or delegate) regarding the eligibility of the student for special provisions and the appropriateness of the adjustment(s) requested.