
Studying the SACE | Results | Get a copy of your results

Get a copy of your results

Past students can apply for a replacement copy of Intermediate, Leaving, Leaving Honours, Matriculation, Year 12, SACE, and some Secondary School Certificate results.

Certified copies (a black and white photocopy of the original, stamped by the SACE Board of SA with the Chief Executive’s signature) can be made on request.

Students who studied in the Northern Territory, please do not complete this online form.

You will need to contact the NT Board of Studies to get a copy of their results.

NT Board of Studies
Department of Education
Email: NTcertification.det@education.nt.gov.au
Phone: 08 8944 9253
Post: GPO Box 4821, Darwin NT 0801

Processing times

Please allow 5 working days for non-peak periods (January – September) to process your request.

This is an application processing time only and does not include mail delivery times. During peak periods, your application may take longer than normal to process.

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Older records (pre-1992) or Year 10

We do not have results for Year 11 (prior to 1992) or Year 10.

For these results you will need to request them from the school you attended.

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Concession rate

A concession rate is available if you can show that: 

  • You have a current pensioner health benefit or concession card issued by the Commonwealth, or you are the dependent of someone who has; or
  • You receive a totally and permanently incapacitated disability pension; or
  • You receive Commonwealth unemployment or sickness benefits or State financial assistance, or you are the dependent of someone who does; or
  • You have a current School Card issued by the government of South Australia.

Please verify your concession card in the application to access the concession rates.

In situations of extreme financial hardship we can waive all fees for replacement documentation. You will need to explain your reasons in writing to the Chief Executive of the SACE Board of South Australia.

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