
Studying the SACE | First year of renewed Stage 1 Dance 2020 (green box)

2020 is the first year of teaching renewed Stage 1 Dance.

Global | Subjects | Announcement count

Studying the SACE | Subjects | Dance (subject description)


Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 2 investigation

The study of technique, composition, choreography, performance, and critical analysis will allow you to learn both the theory and practice of dance. Collaborative and creative problem-solving experiences will also give you the opportunity to develop creativity, self-discipline, self-esteem, personal identity, and confidence. You will acquire skills, knowledge, and understanding, and the development of aesthetic awareness. Studying this subject could lead to a career as a dancer, choreographer, arts administrator, or pilates/yoga instructor.

Woman with denim jacket and reflective glasses jumping in the air.

Studying the SACE | Subjects | Dance (link to teaching area)

Already studying Dance or need more?

Head to the teachers' area for subject outlines, assessment details, examples of student work, and more.
