
Electronic exams Assessment Type 3 information (green box)

This subject has an e-exam in Stage 2. See Assessment Type 3: Text Study (Part B).

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Studying the SACE | Subjects | English Literary Studies (subject description)

English Literary Studies

Stage 2 Stage 2 exam

English Literary Studies helps you to develop critical thinking skills and choose and use language to communicate effectively. It could lead to a wide range of jobs such as journalist, editor, web content manager, or teacher. The subject looks at how literary texts represent culture and identity and shows the relationships between authors, audiences, and texts. You will have opportunities to exchange and develop ideas, learn to construct logical and convincing arguments, and consider a range of critical interpretations of texts.

English Literary Studies demonstrates the power of language to represent ideas, events, and people in particular ways and shows how texts can challenge or support cultural perceptions. Students who complete this subject with a C– grade or better will meet the literacy requirement of the SACE.

Pen on a pad of writing paper.

Studying the SACE | Subjects | English Literary Studies (link to teaching area)

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