
Electronic exams Assessment Type 3 information (green box)

This subject has an electronic examination in Stage 2. See Assessment Type 3: Examination.

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Studying the SACE | Subjects | Indonesian (continuers) (subject description)

Indonesian (continuers)

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 2 exam

Learning to speak, read, and write a second language will deepen your understanding of another culture and of your own language, thus enriching your life. Studying the modern standard version of Indonesian will develop your understanding of the interdependence of language, culture, and identity in one of Australia’s closest neighbours. Competency in this language will give you the option to pursue careers in interpreting, translation, and health both here in Australia and overseas. Stage 1 and Stage 2 Indonesian at continuers level is available to students who have studied Indonesian throughout secondary school.

There are eligibility guidelines for this subject.

Person in a yellow coat standing in a field with a volcano in the background. Taken in Indonesia.

Studying the SACE | Subjects | Indonesian (continuers) (link to teaching area)

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