
Studying the SACE | Subjects | Industry Connections (subject description)

Industry Connections

Stage 2

Industry Connections provides students who have an interest in a particular industry area to develop and apply their skills, knowledge and understandings about that industry, while developing their capabilities and employability skills through an industry-related project.

Industry Connections fosters many elements of a thriving learner.

The subject can be designed for an individual student, or for cohorts of students.  It can be designed using a project-based learning model around the individual student, or group of students, or for students already significantly engaged in industry, or for a cohort of students with a common industry interest. 

Industry Connections does not replicate VET programs and students do not achieve VET units of competency, however Industry Connections can be flexibly designed to enable opportunities for students to collate a work skills portfolio that may support future career and transitions opportunities, such as a job application and/or future recognition of prior learning (RPL) process for a VET qualification.

Students can complete up to 60 credits of Industry Connections for SACE completion.

Industry Connections.

Studying the SACE | Subjects | Industry Connections (link to teaching area)

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