
Electronic exams Assessment Type 3 information (green box)

This subject has an electronic examination at Stage 2. See Assessment Type 3: Examination.

Global | Subjects | Announcement count

Studying the SACE | Subjects | Nutrition (subject description)


Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 2 exam

Students investigate up-to-date scientific information on the role of nutrients in the body as well as social and environmental issues in nutrition. They explore the links between food, health, and diet-related diseases, and have the opportunity to examine factors that influence food choices and reflect on local, national, Indigenous, and global concerns and associated issues.

Students investigate methods of food production and distribution that affect the quantity and quality of food and consider the ways in which these methods and associated technologies influence the health of individuals and communities. The study of nutrition assists students to reinforce or modify their own diets and lifestyle habits to maximise their health outcomes.

Birds-eye view of an assortment of colourful fruit and vegetables on a grey table.

Studying the SACE | Subjects | Nutrition (link to teaching area)

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