
Studying the SACE | Help and support | Study tips

Study tips

While studying the SACE you’ll gain a lot of knowledge, learn new skills, and apply them in various situations. To get the most from your time, it’s important to think about how, when, and where you’ll study.

Successful students find a balance that gives them time to sleep, relax, and enjoy interests outside schoolwork, as well as providing enough time for assignments, learning for tests and exams, and other study.

If you're getting ready for exams, see Preparing for an exam.

Step 1: Set yourself up in the right environment

  • Find a place or places where you can minimise distractions. If this isn’t possible at home, consider the school library or your local library.
  • Make sure you have enough space, light, and quiet.
  • Switch off your phone (or put it on silent) and avoid social media while you study.

Step 2: Set goals and plan your schedule

  • Include your commitments (lessons, but also sport, part-time work, and family outings).
  • Find time for any other items you want or need to factor into your schedule.
  • Don’t forget eating and exercise – along with plenty of sleep, a sensible diet and exercise are important for your health and well-being.
  • Remember to make time for catching up with friends, or just watching TV and relaxing.

Here are some templates to get you started.

Step 3: Understand what works best for you

You may not study in exactly the same way as your friends or siblings, so you should find a routine that suits you. Many students seek advice from teachers and counsellors about how to plan a routine that suits them and their schedules.

  • You may already know how you prefer to study (and your Personal Learning Plan will help with this, too).
  • Plan your study routine and schedule according to how you like to study.

Step 4: Make a timetable and stick to it

  • Include milestones such as holidays, assignment due dates and exams in your schedule as soon as you can.
  • Create your study timetable around these dates so you give yourself time to study.
  • Most successful students say it helps to divide work into small pieces rather than one large chunk, so it feels achievable.
  • Spread the tasks out so that your study is varied between simple and challenging tasks.
  • Set yourself achievable weekly goals and try to stick to them.
  • If something unexpected happens and you don't achieve what you had planned, revise your timetable and get back on track as soon as possible.

Anytime: Ask for help (and take care of yourself!)

School isn’t always smooth sailing. It's important to look after your physical and mental wellbeing — you shouldn't feel alone.

  • Ask family, friends or teachers for help or just a sympathetic ear if you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed.
  • Ask family members and friends to test your knowledge, and arrange group revision sessions if you’re the type of student who likes to bounce ideas off other people.
  • Teachers can help you identify what you should focus on before tests and other assessment tasks.
  • If you’re looking for external help, headspace provides young people and families with information about mental health issues.
  • ReachOut.com has lots of tips about studying, managing stress and life in general, from everyday issues to tough times.

Remember to ask yourself and others 'are you ok?'