
Global | Studying the SACE | Your SACE journey | Exploring your capabilities

Exploring your capabilities

Gaining knowledge in a subject is important, and testing your knowledge through investigations and exams is an important part of achieving your SACE. 

But often, in life beyond the classroom, it's not just about what you know, but more about what you can do with what you know. It's your ability to transfer your knowledge to find a solution that is often more important than the amount of subject knowledge you have. 

That's why the SACE is designed to go beyond just testing your knowledge, to focus on developing your personal capabilities as well.

These are the underlining life skills you will use to successfully deal with many situations at work, at home, and in your community, especially when faced with a challenge of needing to work out what to do, when you don't have all the knowledge at hand. 

That's also why your personal capabilities are what employers want, and look for in you, when you apply for a job with them. 

Seven key personal capabilities are embedded into the SACE program. Read on to discover what they are and where they can lead you:


We develop skills to understand and interpret a variety of texts and people in a range of different situations and countries.

Literacy is an every-century skill. Literacy is reading, remembering, writing, understanding, creating, and speaking. Developing these skills could land you a job in:

  • Journalism
  • Public relations
  • Human resources
  • Law
  • Marketing
  • Education
  • Health care
  • Politics
  • Psychology


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We gain knowledge to use Mathematics to effectively interpret information and solve problems.

To have good numeracy skills means you can reason and work with numbers, problem solve, and think logically.  By developing your numeracy skills, you will become an active and informed citizen who will be employable in industries like:

  • Accounting
  • Education
  • Meteorology
  • Construction
  • Engineering
  • Architecture
  • Economics
  • Carpentry
  • Photography
  • Gaming


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Information and Communication Technology

We learn how to use current and emerging technologies and understand their impact on society and the workplace.

In our digital age, it is important to be a logical thinker, adaptable to change, and a team player. Technology skills allow you to communicate locally and globally and prepare you for careers in:  

  • Telecommunications
  • Engineering
  • Programming
  • Digital media
  • Computer science
  • Electrical
  • Information technology
  • Cybersecurity
  • Entrepreneur
  • Defence


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Critical and Creative Thinking

We use critical and creative thinking skills to identify and analyse complex topics and questions.

Critical and creative thinking skills are some of the most sought-after skills across every workplace. You will learn to think broadly and deeply using reason, logic, imagination, and innovation. You can demonstrate these skills through a career in: 

  • Social work
  • Interior design
  • Astronomy
  • Criminology
  • Film and television
  • Construction
  • Media and communication
  • Advertising
  • Graphic design
  • Music


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Personal and Social

We are confident, self-disciplined and independent. We can work in a team and are resilient to deal with challenging situations.

You will learn to be aware of your own and others emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. With a sense of self-worth, you will be optimistic, empathetic, and resilient. The personal and social capability is a foundation for the intellectually curious and those who are interested in:

  • Art
  • Agriculture
  • Psychology
  • Retail
  • Occupational therapy
  • Hairdressing
  • Real estate
  • Business
  • Public relations
  • Nursing


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Ethical Understanding

We develop a deep understanding of ethical issues and how to manage them.

Cultural, social, and environmental transformations are changing the world. You will develop ethical understanding when you explore global and local interactions and engage with complex issues. Your skills will allow you to navigate through a world of competing values and will support you as you transition from school to your chosen career path:  

  • Security
  • Nursing
  • Global justice
  • Veterinary science
  • Counselling
  • Politics
  • Police
  • Environmental science
  • Law


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Intercultural Understanding

We appreciate and respect other people’s social and cultural backgrounds and learn about the diversity of our nation and the world.

As you learn your own values, languages, beliefs, and morals, you will learn those of others. You will come to understand intercultural understanding as an essential part of living in the 21st century. You are encouraged to express empathy, respect, and responsibility. In developing these skills you could work in:

  • International relations
  • Welfare
  • Foreign affairs
  • Communications
  • Defence
  • Sociology
  • Linguistics
  • Management
  • Languages


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