
Studying the SACE | Your SACE | Planning beyond SACE

Planning beyond SACE

Studying the SACE sets you up for the next step after school — whether you choose further education, training, or work.

From SACE to university

Your application for university and TAFE courses are handled by SATAC. To be eligible to apply for university, you must:

  • complete the SACE
  • complete at least 90 credits at Stage 2, of which at least 60 credits must be from 20-credit Tertiary Admissions Subjects (TAS), and the other 30 credits from TAS, and up to 20 credits of Recognised Studies
  • complete any prerequisites required for your chosen university courses
  • comply with the rules regarding subject combinations and preclusions
  • obtain an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR).

The SATAC website and individual university websites explain what you’ll need to study specific courses.

At WorkReady, you can find out about preparing for and registering for TAFE and other VET courses after school.

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Tertiary Admissions Subjects

A Tertiary Admissions Subject (TAS) is a SACE Stage 2 subject that has been approved by the universities and TAFE SA as providing suitable preparation for tertiary studies.

Almost all SACE subjects are recognised Tertiary Admissions Subjects, but there are some that aren’t recognised, and so can’t be used towards your ATAR:

Your teachers or careers counsellor can help you decide which subjects you should study to be eligible for further study, or check the SATAC website.

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TAFE admission requirements

SACE completion meets the course admission requirements for most TAFE SA courses, but there are some additional requirements for entry into particular qualification levels.

Information about specific admission requirements for each TAFE course is available on the TAFE SA website.

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Subject combinations

Precluded combinations for SACE completion

Some SACE subjects are considered to be similar enough, or overlap in enough content, that you’re not able to count more than one of them toward your SACE.

You can find out more at Stage 2 Subject Preclusions (information sheet 56). Please speak to your school’s SACE Coordinator if you are unsure about your subject combinations.

Counting restrictions for ATAR

Universities and TAFE may also limit how many credits from one learning area can count towards the ATAR.

Your teachers and careers counsellor can help you plan your subjects to ensure you meet university or TAFE entry criteria.

You'll find more information on precluded combinations and counting restrictions for ATAR on the SATAC website.

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Apprenticeships, traineeships and other pathways

Many students who gain the SACE include some form of vocational education and training (VET) in their studies. This is just one way that the SACE gives you valuable insight into the various pathways available after school.

  • Australian Apprenticeships — a Federal Government website that explains the Australian Apprenticeship system.
  • Australian Council for Private Education and Training (ACPET) — the national industry association for independent providers of post-compulsory education and training, for Australian and international students.
  • Business SA — South Australia's Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
  • WorkReady — a one-stop shop for skills and training resources in South Australia.
  • Training.gov.au — a database of vocational education and training opportunities in Australia.
  • National Innovation and Science Agenda — a number of programmes to help start and run a business, building enterprise skills and developing innovative ideas.
  • Job Search — a range of programmes and support for job seekers.
  • Volunteering SA — community and volunteer work is a great way to experience new challenges and learn about the world of work.

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