
Studying the SACE | Your SACE journey | Student success stories | 2020

2020 student success stories


In this section…

  1. AFL dream on the horizon for Blayne

    Aboriginal student Blayne O’Loughlin has found the flexibility of the SACE has helped him pursue his AFL football dream and thrive in his studies.

  2. COVID-19 no barrier to SACE success for David

    Learning remotely for two months due to COVID-19 hasn’t stopped David Olijnyk from succeeding in his SACE.

  3. Perseverance pays off for determined Georgia

    A global pandemic was not going to stop regional student Georgia McCleery from continuing her learning in the final year of her SACE.

  4. Refugee survivor Ilhal enjoys SACE success

    The challenges of COVID-19 are nothing compared with the dangers that Ilhal Abdullahi faced in a Kenyan refugee camp.

  5. Resilient Jessica navigates through illness and COVID-19

    Student leader Jessica Bottcher overcame the combined challenges of a serious illness and COVID-19 to complete her SACE.

  6. A rollercoaster ride for school captain Kailem

    Regional student Kailem Dahmes has successfully rode the COVID-19 rollercoaster during the final year of his SACE.

  7. Soaring success for Kirilly

    The flexibility of the SACE has allowed Kirilly Pendergrast to take the perfect flight to her dream job – working with injured birds-of-prey at a native Australian wildlife education centre.

  8. Leticia overcomes turbulent Year 12

    Boarding student Leticia Robertson has seen the inside of many of Australia’s major airports during her travels home through the COVID-19 pandemic.

  9. Unforgettable year for school leader Meenakshi

    Meenakshi Pramod Nair did not let COVID-19 dampen her spirits during the final year of SACE.

  10. COVID-19 no distraction for focused Michael

    School captain Michael Trezise Donald has not let the distractions of COVID-19 get in the way of completing his SACE.

  11. Never giving up the key to Saalik’s success

    Determined Saalik Kalaniya was not going to let COVID-19 get in his way of pursuing his medicine dream.

  12. Resilient Nevie overcomes COVID-19 challenges

    Learning remotely with poor internet connection during a global pandemic in rural South Australia is going to be challenging for any SACE student.

  13. PE passion for Oscar

    A global pandemic was not going to stop Oscar Puz from following his passion in the SACE.

  14. Resilient Tonya fulfils Year 12 dream and becomes a mum

    Falling pregnant during a global pandemic while trying to complete Year 12 is a tough proposition for any student.

  15. Baker extraordinaire Zoe creates delicious gift packs for older residents in COVID-19 lockdown

    Jamestown Community School student Zoe Wells channelled her passion for baking – by baking delicious gift packs for older residents living alone during the COVID-19 lockdown.