
Studying the SACE | Your SACE journey | Student Stories | AJ Crocker

AJ a perfect role model

Friday 10 January 2020

Hard-working Aboriginal student AJ Crocker is the perfect role model for his eight younger siblings after becoming the first from his family to achieve his SACE.

AJ Crocker

Studying the SACE | Your SACE journey | Student Stories | AJ Crocker | Article

The 17-year-old Willunga High School student used the flexibility of the SACE to follow his interests in psychology and forensics, with caring for children.

Now AJ is next year planning to study either Psychology or Criminology at university.

“I really wanted to complete my SACE because I wanted to be the first in family in multiple generations to get the SACE and also the opportunity of being able to study at university or TAFE,” AJ said.

“I wanted to show my siblings what you can achieve through hard work and I’m happy if they look up to me as a role model and work just as hard at school.

During his SACE journey AJ took a Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care, a choice inspired from helping to care for his siblings.
AJ also completed a range of Stage 1 SACE subjects, including Psychology, General Mathematics, and Scientific Studies.

“Because I like doing more practical work at school and also enjoy looking after children, the Cert III in Early Childhood Education and Care seemed a good option,” AJ said.

“I have really enjoyed the practical side of the course, working with children in the kindergarten centres, but it has been challenging completing the large books of questions we also had to complete for the course.

“I really love criminology and psychology, looking at how the mind works and how people behave.

“Since doing my SACE I have really developed my social skills, I am more confident and assertive when I’m talking to people. 

“My advice to students about to start their SACE would be to try new things, be assertive, and ask for help when you need it.”

Emma Harrison, of Willunga High School’s Aboriginal Education Team, paid tribute to AJ’s dedication to his schooling.

“AJ has been extremely connected with his education, he has worked hard during his SACE and has been so dedicated. He would walk 45 minutes to and from his home, just to come to school,” Ms Harrison said.