
Studying the SACE | Your SACE journey | Student Stories | Cicilia Begbia

Learning French a labour of love for Cicillia

Thursday 9 January 2020

An obsession with learning French has been a family labour of love for SACE student Cicillia Begbia.

Cicilia Begbia

Studying the SACE | Your SACE journey | Student Stories | Cicilia Begbia | Article

Cicillia came to live in South Australia when she was just two-years-old from the French speaking country, the Central African Republic.

The 17-year-old, from Nazareth Catholic Community, studied French (beginners), English Literary Studies, and Psychology as part of her SACE.

“I have been really obsessed with studying French and really wanted to learn this beautiful language for my dad, who speaks French.

“I speak English and Arabic and these have been the languages we have generally spoken, but it has always been my dream to be able to have a conversation in French with my dad.

“Through French (beginners) I have been able to really immerse myself in French culture and hold a conversation in French with my dad.”

As part of her Research Project, Cicillia examined the extent that psychological factors of racism influence an individual to inflict violence upon marginalised groups.

“The Research Project allowed me to delve into the different facets of this topic, it helped me to understand it and critically analyse the wide range of issues.

“It really helped develop my research skills, which will help me in university, and gave me the opportunity to interview professionals and develop my social skills. The SACE has also helped with my time management skills.

“My advice to students about to start their SACE is to choose subjects you are interested and passionate about, and ask lots of questions.”

Cicillia hopes to go to university and study to become a clinical psychologist.

Virginia Grantham, SACE Coordinator at Nazareth Catholic College, said: “Cicillia is a great example of a student who chose to study subjects she is passionate about and the resulting growth in her capabilities is obvious.”