
Studying the SACE | Your SACE journey | Student Stories | David Fenwick

David’s long distance journey to
complete SACE

Friday 10 January 2020

A student who moved half way through his SACE to a new school hundreds of kilometres away from his family has shown sheer determination to complete the qualification.

David Fenwick school photo

Studying the SACE | Your SACE journey | Student Stories | David Fenwick | Article

David Fenwick studied long-distance from his family in Adelaide Hills after making the move to Port Lincoln to live with his aunt. 

But the move to Port Lincoln High School paid off for the 17-year-old who thrived at his new school. 

David studied Integrated Learning, Music Performance – Ensemble, Music Performance – Solo, Physical Education, Research Project, and Visual Arts – Design. 

“I started my SACE at a school in the Adelaide Hills but half way through Year 11 I was really struggling,” David said. 

“An opportunity came to live in Port Lincoln with my auntie, and so I went to Port Lincoln High School. I was told it would be challenging going to a new school and I was nervous moving to a new place.  

“But I absolutely loved my new school; I really clicked with my teachers. It was very refreshing and more chilled than my last school. 

“The SACE really helped to develop my writing and communication skills, I am a bit of a shy person, talking to people, but at Port Lincoln I came out of my shell.  

“Because I was more confident communicating with people, I was able to go out into the community and coach football to under 13s every week, which was massive because coaching also helped to develop my leadership skills.” 

David hopes to study Primary Education at university and become a primary school teacher. 

Lesley Warren, Assistant Principal at Port Lincoln High School, said: “David has been dynamic member of our year 12 group, he’s motivated his peers and has an incredibly positive approach towards his learning.”