
Studying the SACE | Your SACE journey | Student Stories | Jamieson Noutsatos

Jamieson finds strength in supporting others


Wednesday 15 December 2021

Understanding his own challenges and how to manage them allowed Jamieson Noutsatos to help others and contributed to his SACE success.

Cicilia Begbia

Studying the SACE | Your SACE journey | Student Stories | Jamieson Noutsatos | Article

Even in the midst of his SACE studies, Jamieson Noutsatos always finds the time for others, reaching out to help and support his fellow students. The Temple College prefect is dedicated to contributing to his school community.

“As an Australian citizen, it is important to support the community, to serve those who are less fortunate and to be a person of sincerity.

“At school, I help out my Care Group and House as much as I can. I read notices, distribute material, and organise fun activities like sporting events.”

The flexibility of SACE has allowed him to complete a Certificate III in Christian Ministry and Theology as part of his SACE together with 4 other Stage 2 subjects.

Jamieson’s high level of empathy comes from a place of deep understanding, as he has learnt a lot from managing his own challenges. He has gained personal strength by helping others and becoming an advocate for mental health.

“I want to help other students who might be struggling at various times. I listen to them and try to help find them support.
“The senior teachers and leadership are happy to receive my ideas on promoting good mental health, providing resources for the wellbeing team and advocating for a school psychologist.

Jamieson’s advice to Year 10 students is to enjoy their SACE subjects rather than be nervous. He believes being organised is important and to seek assistance when needed.

Jamieson has learning challenges and persistently worked hard to improve his skills to successfully complete his SACE studies. He has found careful editing of his own work was helpful in overcoming the challenges of dyslexia. He encourages younger students not to give up and to persevere through the challenges.

His SACE studies have further developed his capabilities of personal development and communication and this has helped him within his leadership roles as Chairman of the Port Adelaide Greek Orthodox Youth and member of the Archdiocese Youth. He has used his critical and creative thinking skills in programs he has initiated or helped to organise.

Jamieson is also an active member of the School Concert Band and Stage Band playing the Trombone. He has performed at numerous school and Community Events such as Generations in Jazz and the Balaklava Eisteddfod. 

Jamieson recently received the Order of Australia Student Citizenship Award.