
Studying the SACE | Your SACE journey | Student Stories | Jonah Fatchen

Farm dream for Jonah

Monday 29 July 2019

The SACE is giving Jonah Fatchen a head start in his dream career in Agriculture.

Jonah Fatchen

Studying the SACE | Your SACE journey | Jonah Fatchen | Student| Article

"If you have a goal, you can achieve it."

Some variation of this has been repeated in just about every high school graduation speech ever delivered. 

Thanks to the flexibility of the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE), it is now true for more students than ever before.

Navigator College student Jonah Fatchen has been given a head start in his dream career in agriculture.

The Year 12 student grew up on the family farm near Ungarra and hopes to one day run his own property, perhaps his family's one. 

A hands on learner, Jonah last year completed a Certificate II in Construction Pathways. Now, he is doing a Certificate III Agriculture (Traineeship), which involves one day of work experience a week.

Jonah says he really enjoys studying for the SACE. He is gaining knowledge and skills, while simultaneously obtaining other important qualifications before he even begins his career.

He already has his First Aid Certificate, his White Card and his Chemical Card. Plus, he has completed courses on quad bike safety, chainsaw use and sheep shearing and crutching. Before the year is out, he'll also have his Forklift License and his Firearms License.

"I know some people that just finished high school and then went to work on farms and then they had to go and do all of these certificates, which is a bit inconvenient,” Jonah explained. 

"So, by doing it all while I'm at school it's a bit better use of my time," he continued.

"Dad is really happy I'm doing the SACE. At the moment I'm working for a different farmer on Mondays and they're really helping me to learn. They have a few different ways of doing things than what we do but dad encourages me to do it because I'm learning other ways of doing stuff."

Sometimes the SACE requires him to miss multiple days of school in a row, however Navigator College are always accommodating. 

"They just keep me in the loop so that there's no stress when I come back to school. The teachers also give me a few extra days here and there if I need them."