
Studying the SACE | Your SACE journey | Student Stories | Karmin Poulish

Karmin’s cooking up a storm

Monday 29 July 2019

School-based apprentice Karmin Poulish is well on the way to becoming a chef – and complete her SACE.

Austin Wilson

Studying the SACE | Your SACE journey | Student Stories | Karmin Poulish

"If you have a goal, you can achieve it."

Some variation of this has been repeated in just about every high school graduation speech ever delivered.

Thanks to the flexibility of the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE), it is now true for more students than ever before.

Karmin Poulish says she definitely wouldn't have the opportunities she has today if it weren't for the SACE.

She undertook the St Patrick's Technical College's Food and Hospitality program and is well on her way to becoming a chef.

In May, the Year 12 student began her school-based apprenticeship as a chef with Hentley Farm Restaurant in the Barossa Valley.

She works at the restaurant from Thursday to Sunday and returns to school on Wednesdays to complete her SACE subjects, where she is passing with flying colours.

However, her educational experience wasn't always this way. Before beginning the SACE, she used to struggle with conventional classroom education.

"At my old school, I was only just passing. Now, on my report card I'm getting Bs," the Gawler student said.

"The school has been very flexible. I have done extra work experience blocks but they've made it so that on the days I do come to school so it's not too overwhelming," she continued.

"It's not like I come in and suddenly I've got all of this work to catch up on. I only have to do the most important assignments and focus on the most important parts of the lesson so I can still complete my schooling but it gives me the extra time to focus on my job."

Perhaps most importantly, Karmin says, is her ability to have quality one-on-one time with her teachers and lesson plans that are geared towards the way she learns.

Unlike most conventional educational qualifications, the SACE gives students the flexibility to express the applied knowledge they're learning in a way that best communicates it.

For example, if you're a student that struggles with essays but you're a good visual communicator, you can use diagrams without losing marks. This has helped Karmin achieve.