
Studying the SACE | Your SACE journey | Student Stories | Kelzie Schipp

Recognised learning pathway to success for Kelzie

Monday 29 July 2019

SACE graduate Kelzie Schipp followed a recognised learning pathway that led to an exciting career in the equestrian industry.

Kelzie Schipp

Studying the SACE | Your SACE journey | Student Stories | Kelzie Schipp | Article

A love of all things equestrian left Mount Gambier’s Kelzie Schipp with a passion for a career in the industry, something she was able to achieve through alternative SACE studies. 

When beginning her senior years at Grant High School, Ms Schipp knew she wanted her future to feature horses, but she was unsure what pathway to take to get her to her goal.

“I think my teachers always knew I wanted to do something with horses,” Ms Schipp said. “But mainstream studies did not really interest me and I did not think they would be the right pathway for me into my future. 

“With that is mind I did some research into what other avenues and pathways I could use to complete my SACE.” From here, Ms Schipp learned she was able to progress through her SACE by completing work in conjunction with Equestrian South Australia. 

The SACE Board acknowledges the work as ‘other recognised learning’, counting towards Ms Schipp’s SACE completion.

“The SACE is really flexible and the equestrian course I did was very thorough,” she said. “It was so helpful and easy to work through. I knew exactly what I was doing and had all of the help I needed right at my fingertips. I think it was a really great transition for me going into my career.” 

Now working at Horse Deals, Ms Schipp believes the SACE’s recognised learning options are the perfect fit for others in her position.

“There are so many different pathways to suit almost anyone,” she said. 

“I think it is so great for those of us who maybe do not fit into the traditional schooling mould but still want to complete our SACE. 

“It has led me to my amazing career and I am so pleased to have completed my schooling journey this way.”