
Studying the SACE | Your SACE journey | Student Stories | Meenakshi Pramod Nair

Unforgettable year for school leader Meenakshi

Tuesday 15 December 2020

Meenakshi Pramod Nair did not let COVID-19 dampen her spirits during the final year of SACE.

Cicilia Begbia

Studying the SACE | Your SACE journey | Student Stories | Meenakshi Pramod Nair | Article

The 17-year-old Head Prefect at Roma Mitchell Secondary School and her peers have had to adjust to online learning, as well as the cancellation of several Year 12 events.

But Meenakshi has shown resilience throughout her SACE studies in 2020. 

Meenakshi studied Stage 2 subjects in Biology, Chemistry, General Mathematics, English Literary Studies, and the Research Project. She also completed a Certificate III in Business.

“COVID-19 has immensely altered the course of my senior year, leading to several events being cancelled or delayed,” Meenakshi said.

“However, thanks to the efforts of all my teachers and staff at school, the impact that COVID-19 has had on my SACE completion has not been as severe. 

“Through Microsoft Teams meetings and continuous emails, my teachers have ensured that I felt heard and supported throughout these unpredictable times.

“My friends and I were messaging each other on Microsoft Teams, mentally checking-in with each other to make sure everyone was OK. 

“The social side of school was hard for a period of time because I couldn’t physically see my friend. But I was very determined, and had a positive attitude throughout these times.

“Along with my Year 12 study commitments, I've had the honour to be appointed as the Head Prefect for the Girls' Campus, providing me with the opportunity to attend various events and conferences on behalf of the school. 

“I’m looking forward to opening a new chapter in my life, but 2020 will remain an unforgettable senior year; how the Class of 2020 got through their SACE in a global pandemic. 

“COVID-19 has affected our lives extensively over the past few months but it will not dampen my spirits. 

“I couldn't have made it this year without my family, friends and teachers who have not let this pandemic waiver their support and encouragement.”

Meenakshi hopes to study a STEM degree at university in 2021.