
Studying the SACE | Your SACE journey | Student Stories | Shari Marrett

Tenacious Shari turning her SACE dream into reality

Friday 10 January 2020

A career in retail beckons for tenacious student Shari Marrett who has never given up on her five-year dream of completing her SACE.

Shari Marrett


Studying the SACE | Your SACE journey | Student Stories | Shari Marrett | Article

Shari started her SACE journey in 2014 but left a year later after getting a job in another town. She worked in various retail jobs but vowed that she wanted to return to senior secondary education to complete her SACE. 

She resumed her SACE journey at a new school – The Adelaide Hills Vocational College in Mount Barker, studying the Research Project, Essential English, Creative Arts, Integrated Learning, and Food and Hospitality. 

Now the 21-year-old from Murray Bridge is on track to achieve the remaining 90 credits required to complete her SACE. 

“I wanted to complete my SACE for a few reasons. I’m a bit stubborn. I want to complete my SACE because I know it will give me more opportunities in the future. I wanted to get more education and make the most of the opportunities that are available to me,” Shari said. 

“The Adelaide Hills Vocational College has helped me a lot, it’s a place where I feel comfortable. They have really helped me with my mental health issues and given me more opportunities than I would have had in a normal school. 

“I have had issues with anxiety but the SACE has really helped me develop my social capabilities and manage my anxiety, and my confidence has really grown. 

“Getting my SACE will be such an achievement and I know from being in the workplace that it will open so many more doors for me.” 

Karen Horvath, Manager of The Adelaide Hills Vocational College, has spoken of her pride in Shari’s achievements. 

“The biggest change we saw in Shari was her confidence. When she came to us, she was a timid young woman, but now she is a confident young woman who has so much more self-belief,” Ms  Horvath said. 

Shari hopes to land a job in retail in a clothing store or in a gaming store.