
Studying the SACE | Your SACE journey | Student Stories | Tahlia Arnold

Tahlia is dedicated to her goal of becoming a teacher


Wednesday 15 December 2021

Loxton High School student Tahlia Arnold was able to adapt her SACE studies to support her future career goal.

Cicilia Begbia

Studying the SACE | Your SACE journey | Student Stories | Tahlia Arnold | Article

As long as she can remember, Tahlia Arnold knew what she wanted to be. The Loxton High School student was dedicated to becoming a teacher, and coming from a family of planners, she set about reaching that target.

"I've always known I wanted to be a primary teacher. I've had this goal since I started high school and I had a plan and stuck with it,” said Tahlia.

Tahlia discovered a love for science after attending the Science and Engineering Challenge in Year 10. It was at this point she decided to become a Science specialist primary school teacher so she could share her new-found passion for science with young students.

This decision led to her choosing Chemistry, Biology and Psychology for her SACE Stage 2 subjects to support her future career goal.

Alongside of her SACE studies, Tahlia completed VET studies with a Certificate III in Early Childhood and a Certificate IV in School-Aged Education and Care.

Eager to apply her learning in a practical way, Tahlia taught piano to beginners at the local music shop and was involved in musicals and choir. The VET traineeship provided a placement at the local OSHC three nights a week. Her music teaching experience combined with her SACE studies and VET traineeship certainly confirmed her career choice.

Tahlia’s motivation for the year has been clear.

“I want to get into uni next year, so I need an ATAR, and that’s my motivation. The Certificate IV traineeship I did this year really cemented the age group I wanted to work with as a teacher.

Tahlia’s advice is to keep your options open as you choose your SACE subjects and to remember to include subjects you enjoy.

“I had a lot of forward thinking for Year 12, setting myself up so I could pick anything that I thought I might need at that point, or enjoy. Like Psychology. Psychology is not really for the teaching side of it, but I was picking it because it was something I would enjoy.

“I really like learning why people do things that they do, and that is what psychology is to me. And obviously the subject would help me working in primary school, but that wasn’t why I was doing that. It was because I enjoyed it.”

Tahlia’s hard work has paid off as she is now at interview stage for early acceptance in to Avondale University in NSW.