
Studying the SACE | Your SACE journey | Student Stories | Zoe Wells

Baker extraordinaire Zoe creates delicious gift packs for older residents in COVID-19 lockdown

Tuesday 15 December 2020

Jamestown Community School student Zoe Wells channelled her passion for baking – by baking delicious gift packs for older residents living alone during the COVID-19 lockdown.

Cicilia Begbia

Studying the SACE | Your SACE journey | Student Stories | Zoe Wells | Article

The 17-year-old produced 30 gift packs of freshly iced chocolate cupcakes and decorated biscuits, and left them in the doorway of each supported living home, with handwritten notes wishing each recipient a happy Easter.

“After seeing the vulnerability and isolation of the elderly residents in my community, caused by COVID restrictions, I wanted to use my skills in a beneficial way,” Zoe said.

“I knew the happiness my own grandparents feel when they receive my baking and wanted to replicate this for the susceptible members of my community.  

“For me, baking was my outlet away from school, which allowed me to re-focus, enjoy my schoolwork and consequently have a successful journey with SACE.

“With everyone experiencing the same unpredictability, it was important to use my skills and position to be mindful of others and help provide a positive perspective to escape from the current circumstances. 

“From my COVID experience I learnt how much I previously overlooked going to school every day. As we were faced with uncertainty, it forced me to gain the resilience and determination to finish the year on a high, even if the future was unknown. 

“I have also learnt to make the most out of and appreciate the interactions with my classmates to benefit both myself and others. 

Zoe studied Stage 2 subjects in Creative Arts, English, Media Studies, General Mathematics, and Modern History.

“Fortunately, my learning was not massively affected by COVID, due to being in a small rural town,” she said.

“Although I experienced some weeks without face-to-face learning, my learning was adapted to using Microsoft Teams.

“My overall journey with SACE has been a positive experience with the encouragement and assistance from my subject teachers being highly beneficial. 

“I have always enjoyed the creative aspect of design and using a variety of program, which was provided through SACE. Even though I experienced some difficulties, I was always well supported to broaden my horizon and perspective on other pathways.