
Studying the SACE | What is the SACE | Your Journey | Year 10 | EIF Blue Box

Exploring Identities and Futures (Stage 1) implementation 
Personal Learning Plan will be discontinued for South Australian schools from 2025. Exploring Identities and Futures (Stage 1) will be available for enrolment as a compulsory subject from 2024. 

Students who have successfully completed Personal Learning Plan will not need to complete Exploring Identities and Futures to meet SACE completion requirements. 

Studying the SACE | What is the SACE | Your Journey | Year 10

Year 10

Year 10 is an important year in thinking about the path you may want to take after school, and for making sure you’re in the best position to work towards your education, training and career goals. 

Exploring Identities and Futures (EIF) is a Stage 1 subject usually studied in Year 10, that gives you the opportunity to explore areas you value and are interested in. 

EIF is the first compulsory subject of your SACE. It’s a 10 credit Stage 1 subject that prepares you for a different way of thinking and learning in senior school.  

You’ll need to achieve a C grade or better in EIF to earn the 10 credits for your SACE. 

In Year 10, you’ll also plan your SACE, which means selecting the subjects that will help lead you on your preferred pathway. Your teachers or careers counsellor can help you identify the subjects that meet university prerequisites, provide a solid base for university learning, and are likely to help you do your best. 

You’ll probably also receive your SACE registration in Year 10. This gives you access to the SACE Students Online portal, where your SACE results will be recorded – starting with Exploring Identifies and Futures.

Use the SACE planner [PDF 67KB] to help choose subjects and complete your SACE.