
Studying the SACE | Your SACE | Stage 2 (usually Year 12) | EIF Blue Box

Activating Identities and Futures (Stage 2) implementation 
Research Project will be discontinued for South Australian schools from 2026. Activating Identities and Futures (Stage 2) will be available for enrolment as a compulsory subject from 2025. 

Students who have successfully completed Research Project will not need to complete Activating Identities and Futures to meet SACE completion requirements. 

Studying the SACE | Your SACE | Stage 2 (usually Year 12)

Stage 2 (usually Year 12)

In Year 12, you’ll earn the remainder of the 200 credits you need to complete your SACE.

You will need to achieve a C– grade or better in 60 credits of Stage 2 subjects, or the VET equivalent and 10 credits for Research Project (Activating Identities and Futures from 2025).

Choosing your Stage 2 subjects

Choosing your Stage 2 subjects will be a similar process to choosing those you studied in Stage 1.

You may find it easier to select your Stage 2 subjects, as in choosing your Stage 1 subjects you’ll have established the direction you wanted to take, in line with your interests and goals.

In Stage 2, most students reduce the number of subjects to create a manageable schedule that provides the credits they need. You should discuss with your teachers which subjects are best for you and allow you to follow the university or other paths you want to take after school.

If you're thinking about going on to further study after Year 12, it's important to familiarise yourself with entry requirements for university and TAFE. Make sure you check out Planning beyond SACE to help you choose the right subjects to get into the courses you want.

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Stage 2 assessment

In each of your Stage 2 SACE subjects, 70% of your assessment tasks are marked by teachers at your school and checked by moderators outside the school. This ensures that marking within the subject is consistent across schools.

The remaining 30% of the assessment tasks – such as examinations, performances and major investigation assignments – will be marked outside your school, by SACE markers. This also ensures that they are viewed and graded consistently.

In Stage 2, the highest grade you can achieve is A+ and the lowest E-. These grades align with performance standards that define how well you have demonstrated what you know, understand and can apply in your assessment tasks. The standards provide benchmarks for your teachers and the SACE markers to follow when assessing your work. 

Understanding moderation

How your work is marked

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